Hi everyone!

Here's a quck update from Pasado's. I'm not sure if anyone has seen us on the news, but we've got 150 volunteers down in the hot zone rescuing animals. So far, almost 300 cats, dogs (and one hamster!) have been saved. They're working so hard down there and giving so much...you just wouldn't believe it.

Today was a sad day. They found their first dog dead. From starvation and dehydration. They were crushed. They need support. Even if you can just send a card or note of encouragement they could use it. We've got an attorney that donated his office to receiving all our mail and packages so we know that our team is getting what's sent.

Law Offices of Louis St. Martin
#1 Church St.
Houma, LA 70364
(Please enclose a note to Louis - this man has taken such good care of us - he is an ANGEL!!!)

Also, check out our site for up to date information on donations, rescues and updates. www.pasadosafehaven.org

Thank you everyone who has helped....it's restored my faith in humanity.