I also have a Siamese/Manx mix (I call him a "Siamanx")...he's 7 years old and neutered...born on 9/11/01 (which I should have taken into consideration, perhaps?). His name is King Kolohe o' Lolo (roughly translated from Hawaiian as "King Naughty and Crazy")...and at 7 years old he's still trying to live up to his name . He was a "wild kitty" to the extreme, and people kept telling me he would "grow out of it" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

He's one of the most intellligent cats who has ever owned me, but he goes through periods of being extraordinarily calm and mature and "purrfect"...and that's when I worry, because the spells of perfection are ALWAYS broken by equally Impressive spells of being really really "naughty and crazy"...

He has enough cat toys to keep an army of brat cats happy, and I am constantly rotating them so he doesn't get bored. He has me well trained...has a whole series of behaviors and vocalizations designed to get exactly what he wants...the most impressive is when he wants me to change his litter box, he takes papers out of my home office wastebasket and drags & leaves them all over the house. The other is a vocalization that he uses ONLY for when his food bowl is empty - a sort of "mrrrp?" sound that he will repeat with increasing volume until I feed him.

He is also most definitely a one-person cat and I have to warn people NOT to try to pet him or pick him up. Those who choose not to believe me have scars to prove that I'm not joking.

And, he likes to "steal" and hide stuff that he's figured out is important to me...my motorcycle keys are a favorite...also my TV remote...my pens/pencils...a couple of times has batted my cell phone off my desk and under the bed...and occasionally will steal my socks...JUST this morning he actually picked up my reading glasses in his mouth and was sneaking them out of my office when he thought I wasn't looking.

He ALWAYS just simply HAS to inspect everything I eat, but rarely will eat it himself...although he has developed a fondness for blueberry yogurt (I've got to remember to as his vet what this might mean the next time we go in...)

I don't know which of these behaviors and temperaments can be attributed to breed mix, and which to his birth date - all I know is there are times when I think I should have named him "Kolohe bin Laden"...

Which is NOT to say that your kitten will end up with the same temperament...but if he does, that's OK...makes for a really interesting companion...

Kolohe's Human