Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
debbie/sirrahbed & randi, I've seen these before - fun to read.

here's the english longest word -- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
(45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) & (nickname: koniosis)

and those two longest words in common use, as said in 1992 guiness book of world record.

Disproportionableness & Incompreshensibilities

I'm still praciting this.. 130 letters word, longest one in swedish!
Nordostersjokustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranla ggningsmaterielunderhallsuppfoljningssystemdiskuss ionsinlaggsforberedelsearbeten
(means ..'preparatory work on the contribution to the discussion on the maintaining system of support of the material of the aviation survey simulator device within the north-east part of the coast artillery of the Baltic'..)

oh and.. the only longest english word that has no repeat letter...uncopyrightable!

hainvg fun? english's shortest sentence.. "I Do."

Wouldn't the shortest English sentence be "Go"? The subject is implied, and there's the verb.

Debbie, is that correct? I know you're an English person...