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Thread: Separation anxiety for my puppy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Arlington, VA - USA

    Separation anxiety for my puppy

    Alittle over 2 wks ago I adopted a Golden Retriever/Chow mix puppy (2mos) from an animal shelter...she was dropped off in the night box so I don't have any background information about her. Everything is going well except when I have to crate her while I'm at work. She's usually in the crate for about 4hrs in the AM and 4hrs in the PM (I go home for lunch to walk her). She's get frantic when I leave her in the crate so I was wondering if anyone knows how to solve her anxiety problem. I feel so bad everything I have to leave. Thx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    She probably is still worried about being abandoned all over again, poor girl. Is the crate big enough for her to wander around in? Does she have toys to keep her occupied while you are away?

    There are several discussions of separation anxiety, crating, etc - here's agood long one with many ideas and opinions, so you might find some of it helpful - see here .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Arlington, VA - USA
    Thanks for the link...I'll keep reading...

    She actually has enough room to move around and I have some toys in there...I just bought a Kong but she's so stressed that I don't think she plays with them much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Edmonds, WA USA
    I went through this with my dog last summer

    One thing I was told was that the crate should not be too big (just big enough for them to get up and turn around I believe).
    Anyway, mine was way to big- I thought it was a good idea at the time to have it EXTRA big & cushy.

    Also, don't make too big a deal when you leave or return home. I was told to kind of ignore my dog for 10 mins. or so when I firts get home. That way they don't attach too much anxiety to you leaving. It was VERY hard for me to do.

    There are alot of people here who know a whole lot more than I do, and I'm sure they will chime in.
    Good Luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    The reason the crate should be just big enough for them to stand up and turn around comfortably is because if its bigger, they will potty in one corner and sleep in the other. If the dog doesn't have accidents, its fine for it to be bigger.

    Yes, one of the key factors in treating seperation anxiety is ignoring for about 10-15 minutes before you leave, and 10-15 minutes after you get home. You want to relieve the anxiety of you leaving and coming home and making it into no big deal. If you make a huge spectacle of coming home and walk in the door calling your dog and petting her like crazy, she'll be filled with anxiety sitting at home waiting for that moment to come. She'll have to find a way to release the anxiety which can be barking, chewing, digging, etc.

    Nip this in the bud while you can. She's so young that its probably just a normal puppy thing. Most shelter dogs have seperation anxiety issues. Reece had the worst seperation anxiety imaginable because I was his 6th home and he was only a year old when I got him. It took time and patience but we got him through it. It shouldn't take as much time for such a young pupster.

    Never take her out of her crate if she's barking or whining. It will be rewarding her for barking and then she'll ALWAYS bark when she wants out of the crate. Wait until she is quiet and settled down a little then let her out and take her potty. If she's really anxious when you take her out of the crate, just ignore her and don't coddle her. Put her leash on, tell her she's silly, and walk her outside.

    Also get her used to alone time even when you are home. Try to discourage her from following you from room to room while she's still suffering from seperation anxiety. She needs to get comfortable with being alone. Try baby gating her in the kitchen while you're walking around the house doing chores or something. She'll see you going back and forth and maybe settle down eventually.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    If you are using the crate to help in housetraining, then you want the crate to be big enough for the pup to stand, turn, and lay down comfortably in. Any bigger and you could have problems. If it is bigger then you need to section it off by putting a rubbermaid container or something similar to take up the extra space. Make sure it is not something the pup can chew and get hurt on.

    Invest in a buster cube or treat ball. At 2 months the pup is probably still getting fed three times a day. Put the pups dry kibble ration in the treat ball and place it in the crate before you leave for work in the AM. Let the pup get soooo interested in trying to get the kibble from the cube or ball that she doesn't even know you are in the room. Don't say a word but quietly walk out the door. No "I'll see you in a little bit" or "Mommy will be back, sweetheart". NOTHING comes from you. Once the pups done with the treat then she may carry on to get out, but your not there and she will quiet down and rest.

    Make sure you make the crate a nice comfy place with chew toys and water available (easy on how much water though). And make sure you exercise the pup before thinking of putting her in the crate.

    During this period, I always feed from the treat ball so they get adjusted to the crate and it gives them something to do. They quickly associate treat ball with kibble and crate.

    Remember though that your goal is to get the pup out of the crate as soon as fesable. This is not a total substitute for obedience work to get the pup to listen to you.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Arlington, VA - USA
    Thank you so much for the great responses. :-)

    I actually went home today at lunchtime and she was squeaking as usual in the crate. She wouldn't calm down so I eventually let her out. I proceeded to ignore her (making her and my lunch) while she cried. She calmed down quite faster than usual which was nice. After 10 min, I played with her after potty time and 10 min before I left, I ignored her again. She was better going into the crate but as soon as I walked out of her sight, she started to cry again (no peeps out of me though).

    As for the crate, I do have a divider that gives her enough room.

    Thanks again everyone!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi! Just wanted to welcome you to Pet Talk and congratulate you on the adoption of your beautiful puppy!!! What's her name?? I hope you and she are doing well with the sep. anxiety issue! I see you got some great advice from those in the know! I was ACHING, wanting to cuddle your puppy just reading your description!! It is one of the hardest thing on earth to do....resist picking up a pleading puppy!! Hope to hear more from you and your little girl!!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I love her picture for sure!! She is adorable.

    Have you tried stuffing the kong? It may help keep her busy while you are leaving, and after you leave. I understand that the kong website has great "recipes". Good luck!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Originally posted by cfuh
    Thank you so much for the great responses. :-)

    I actually went home today at lunchtime and she was squeaking as usual in the crate. She wouldn't calm down so I eventually let her out. I proceeded to ignore her (making her and my lunch) while she cried. She calmed down quite faster than usual which was nice. After 10 min, I played with her after potty time and 10 min before I left, I ignored her again. She was better going into the crate but as soon as I walked out of her sight, she started to cry again (no peeps out of me though).

    As for the crate, I do have a divider that gives her enough room.

    Thanks again everyone!!!!
    By letting her out you were basically reinforcing this unwanted behavior. I understand the constraints at lunch time so you probably didn't have the patience or time to deal with this correctly. However, you need to make sure you eventually get her to realize that she is not going to get rewarded for this kind of bad behavior in the future. Work with her a night, perhaps in the morning, and especially over the weekends. You will both be happier if she understands that YOU make the rules and NOT her!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Arlington, VA - USA
    Originally posted by Logan
    I love her picture for sure!! She is adorable.

    Have you tried stuffing the kong? It may help keep her busy while you are leaving, and after you leave. I understand that the kong website has great "recipes". Good luck!!!

    Thanks...I think she's awesome myself. Thanks also for the Kong advice...I did get one for her and did put treats in there. She doesn't seem to eat the treats after she gets them out though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Arlington, VA - USA
    Originally posted by tatsxxx11
    Hi! Just wanted to welcome you to Pet Talk and congratulate you on the adoption of your beautiful puppy!!! What's her name?? I hope you and she are doing well with the sep. anxiety issue! I see you got some great advice from those in the know! I was ACHING, wanting to cuddle your puppy just reading your description!! It is one of the hardest thing on earth to do....resist picking up a pleading puppy!! Hope to hear more from you and your little girl!!

    Her name is Sammie. :-) Things are definitely getting better!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Just wanted to also welcome you and your new pup
    to pet talk.
    "you already got great advice so just a welcome from me"


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Just wanted to say I just noticed the pic of your pup and she's a DOLL!! Thats a beautiful mix which I'm sure has a wonderful temperament to match!!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

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