WOW, the Betta babies from BettaTalk are finally here! I've been calling the USPO non-stop since 10, and I finally got to pick up my babies!! They're all soo beautiful and healthy.. the boys were SO ready to get into their new tanks the second I took the bags out of the box. My Green Moon pair is *amazing*... Im in love with them! The little girl is perfect, and the little boy is a gorgeous HM. My favorite is actually the suprise fish.. he's a Green/Red Butterfly with a Super Delta tail. He was immediately flairing and attacking the bag right when I brought him out, then he just stared at me like, "GET ME OUT OF THIS LITTLE BAG!!". LOL, I luurve him. I took some pics, but they're horrible since they're still floating in the tanks and I can't put the lighted hoods on. I'll share anyway, just so you can get an idea of how adorrable they are.

SOO worth the wait ^_^ I think we already know the names, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to be sure. We also got 5 Java Ferns from BT, I ordered 3 but she gave me 5!! They're really, really nice!

here's my little girl....

and the boy.. they're color looks SO off because of the flash/blue water/baggie

Our little suprise boy he's such a hunk. sorry they're SO dark, he's in a 2.5g so the flash hardly made a difference.

I promise I will post nice pictures with their new names tomorrow! I'm releasing them at 9-ish, when I get home from class, so they'll finally be able to explore ~_~