Here's some more enlightening information. And most people are agreeing at this point that these looked to be American Bulldogs and not pit bulls. So sad for the family but once again the dogs didn't 'turn'....the signs were there before, they were just ignored.

More information:

1. The dogs were not trained.
2. The dogs were not altered.
3. The family were in the midist of a major move to another state.
4. The dogs were often tied out in the grarage.
5. The father of the child was frequently unemployed and planned on BREEDING the dogs for income.
6. The female may have been in heat.
7. One neighbor reports that the children frequently HIT THE DOGS IN THE FACE.



"The dogs were familiar on that stretch of Lincoln Way, often tied up with rope outside their garage, being walked by Steve Faibish or even roaming the street unleashed. Neighbors described them as friendly, but rambunctious and poorly trained.

Randy Geyer, who lives two doors down in a cottage that faces the Faibishes' backyard, said he frequently saw Nicholas and his two siblings with the 80-pound dogs in the yard.