Sonny trying to be a swirl on my quilt.
He's not talking to me now since I had to lock him in my room while the exterminator was here and then I decided I'd clip his nails too. Of course he hated being locked up. So I let him out on a leash and he pretended he was dying, liteally made several attempts to look like the leash was tangled around him (it was plenty loose enough that it wasn't hurting him in any way). I told him about the cat who cried wolf and caught him bringing out his claws while I was holding him, I know his claw tricks all too well. So I guess I won't be his favorite for a while until I gain his favor back with tuna and treats. BTW the new meow-mix wet food is pretty much human-grade flavored tuna, I was surprised when I read the ingredients while deciding which food to win him back with!