Here's the latest update on Samantha from the CarePages...

May 28, 2005 at 02:38 PM EDT
This is Johanna, posting on behalf of Jessica and Rob:

I just spoke with Jessica, and Sam has come through one more surgery. This time, there was a fair amount of skin grafting done. The surgeon will do more of this on Tuesday evening in Sam's fourth surgery. The pulmonary people are in with Sam right now. There seems to be a possibility that Sam has a collapsed, or partially collapsed lung. One lung seems to be more troublesome than the other- maybe a mucus plug, Jessica said. This seems to be considered within the realm of 'normal' for someone in Sam's condition. I don't think on the grand scheme of things that this is a significant issue (but, surely one that is still worrisome). On the positive side, Sam produced some urine today! This means positive things for the return of the kidney function. Probably too soon to speak to this, but, positive nonetheless. Prayers continued, please! I will update again when Jessica or Rob indicates.
Still praying for you, little Sammy!!! {{{hugs}}}