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Thread: German Sherpards

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001

    German Sherpards

    Does any one know any thing about German Shepard? mostly about there personality? I am thinking about getting one and I have been looking for some info online but some of it repremans itself. so I need some help clarifing it. Thanks Alot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    LOTS of Shep lovers and guradians here to share some sage wisdom. Just hang on; one of them will answer soon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Palm Harbor, Fl, USA
    German Shepards are GREAT dogs! Every German Shepard I have met has been the sweetest lil things well, not lil but BIG things!!! German shepards are not only smart, and sweet, byt they are soooooooOOOoOOooOoooOOoooOoOOOOoooooOoo BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I highly suggest getting a GSD!!! I think they are the prettiest dogs out there!!



  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I was wondering i found something that said that they bond mostly to one person do you know that to be true?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    GSDs are the best!!!! No, they don't bond to only one person. They love the whole family! They are so loving and naturally protective. They are also very intelligent. You'd be amazed at what they can do. They are wonderful in obedience and not too bad in agility (sometimes their size and weight get in the way of speed). You don't have to train them to protect you, they'll do it on their own because they love you. They love to be part of the family, involved in everything. They are also incredibly beautiful!! They move with grace. They have "the look of eagles." I could go on and on.... I simply love the breed!!!
    You can see pictures of mine in General under the topic New pictures also one in Gone but never forgotten.

    [This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited May 14, 2001).]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    The German Shepherd mix that was the first dog my family had when I was a kid was by far the smartest dog I've ever met. She knew when to be protective and when not, how to bark politely or how to be scary, and knew the differences between toddlers, children and adults. She was bonded to the whole family, not just one person, and my family got her when she was already an adult, and she had been a stray, so it's not like she went through a lot of formal training!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I was also wondering how do they react to other dogs. Lke I have a Maltesse and well he is kind of...well... he thinks he a lot bigger than he really is. And thanks for all the other info that you helped me with

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    German Shepherds are courageous, loyal, intelligent, and beautiful dogs. I suggest you research the breed a lot more, read some books, look around on the net, etc. before you actually get one. You have to make sure it's the breed for you. A bored Shepherd isn't much fun!

    Originally posted by sinister_sister_4:
    I was wondering i found something that said that they bond mostly to one person do you know that to be true?
    I've had 3 GSDs in my lifetime, they've all been a "one-person dog". It's not that they don't like other family members, they just have to have their master.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    miami, fl, usa
    Have you seen the Shilo Shephard? It's just like a German Shephard, but they were bred larger and with a better temperaments.

    I think these dogs are beautiful!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    german shepherds are one of my favorite breeds! i say they do well w/ all family members. however they do have a prey drive for small animals but get along well w/ other household pets. they are highly energetic and need lots of exercise. they are very intelligent and you need to be able to work w/ that to get them to listen to you. love works as the best training method. as someone else said, they don't need to be trained to protect you (trying to train them this can actuall work against having a wonderful dog.), they will know when to protect you naturally. because they love you. if you do plan on getting one and you have no experience w/ the breed, i suggest you research breeders and find out what kind og personalities their lines get. if you were a little experienced in the breed i'd suggest a rescue. remember these dogs have the wild in there blood. when you are getting a germaqn shepherd, you are almost getting a wolf. are you prepared for this kind of commitment? most dogs of this breed need you day and night to be happy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St.Peters, MO USA
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by crow_noir: they don't need to be trained to protect you (trying to train them this can actuall work against having a wonderful dog.), they will know when to protect you naturally. because they love you.

    That is So Wrong! Protection and obedience training is Very important! Obedience training must come first. The dog must be very well trained before any protection work is even started!! Most dogs will "protect" their owner, but against what? A kid running by you may seem a threat if your dog is not trained to protect and release only on command! This is very serious training, and the result is a happy, well behaved dog that knows what is expected of him.

    [This message has been edited by LuvMyRott (edited June 15, 2001).]

  12. #12

  13. #13
    "bed warmers"

    I found this pic on the internet and just wanted to show everyone. It must be fun to have 5 dogs like that. Hard work but you would never run out of stuff to do! German Shepherds are awsome!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    WOW! What a great pic! I'd be in Shepherd Heaven!!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    That's so cute! But whoevber is their Mommy or Daddy probably doesn't get too much bed space at night!

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