Originally posted by slleipnir
I don't see the problem with rubbing their noses..not in it, but close? Thats how I trained Jo to go outside..my obediance trainer told me to do this. Very soon she was potty trained..can someone tell me why it isn't good??

From an obedience training standpoint I don't know anybody that I work with the accepts the rubbing their noses in it theory! Unless the dog is caught in the act it is useless to do anything except clean the mess up. If your obedience trainer doesn't know this then they need to find another line of work or hobby! Your dogs well being comes from it knowing you are the giver of all good things. You show displeasure if the dog is caught in the act with a disapproving sound and taking the dog outside so it can associate the action with why you are displeased. Knowing you are displeased should be enough "punishment" for the crime! Dogs want to please you and will work to determine why you are not happy with something they did but you also need to understand they can't remember the action you are not happy with actually happened 5 minutes ago.