Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me and my poor Doberman, Kane. Kane is a 10 year old Fawn colored Doberman, he is the greatest with the exception of his poor skin. He looks like he has a serious acne problem; red blister like bumps that will actually get large enough to erupt like a volcano; his hair is extremly thin from his shoulder blades to about his hip bones; it's so thin that during all this cold weather I had to make him a fortress out of blankets, he does live outside 24/7/365 with his other two buddies (an Aust. Shephard and a Siberian Huskey-which neither have this same trouble). His skin looks dry and flakey, but I rarely catch him scratching. Everytime I take him to the vet they do the same thing; medicated bath (two of them before they let me pick him up) and they give him a antibotic; none of this really helps much, maybe a little but nothing major. They tell me to try and keep him out of the dirt, like that's a simple task when we live on a farm, but I've fixed up his bed in a clean area and he doesn't sleep on the ground. I don't belive that he is in any type of pain, cause he still acts like he's a puppy but I feel so sorry for him. I feed him good food, Diamond Dog Food (it compares to Iams) and has the Omega 3 in it and 26% protein. The vet has never called it anything but a bad case of dermatitis. Any suggestions out there??? I would appreciate anything so I can try and help "my boy"...thanks!!!