Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
First; here's the "Rules"...
**the Maximum Size of your custom Avatar Image
**is 60 by 60 pixels or 20,000 bytes
**(whichever is smaller).

Best way do make one the fits is to

First: CROP the image to the smallest size you can - leaving only the part of the original image that you want to feature.

Next: Use your resolution and/or Size Reduction software to Reduce the largest (either Vertical or Horizontal) dimension to 60 pixels, and a maximum of 20,000 bytes in size.
Note: Change only the LARGER dimension to "60"; and let the software adjust the smaller dimension - to keep the picture's original HxW ratio intact and not distort the photo.

Last: SAVE the image on your Hard Drive.
Then tell Pet Talk the location of your newly reduced photo.

Get back to us if you have any trouble.