The dogs will be glad when I go back to work. The flashy thing won't be in their faces all the time!

Founder is learning to lead. Pingo is trying to teach him. He's pretty much a trail dog. He does really well on trails he knows, but he gets confuzzled by commands to take new directions. He's just learning though so it will come in time.

I think he likes leading though!

Hobo licking his lips after finishing his trail snack. Hobo usually has to run alone as he's a wacko! He tends to get over excited about going for a run and he will bite the dog beside him. He has to do something with his energy.

The back half of yesterday's team--Pacer, Antare, Franklin and Chase. All former shelter dogs.

Franklin after a 15km run. He's barely winded! He'd run all day if he could.

These are all from yesterday afternoon. I took a bunch more today and will upload them later. Gotta go back outside and play with furries some more! I could get used to this not working thing!