When Jazz was about 5 months old I taught her to play fetch. She loved it and played all the time but since R&R have been here she quit.

This weekend I decided Rocky should learn so in about an hours time I had him playing fetch, unfortunately I taught him with a foil candy wrapper and that is all he will play with now. Anyway, Jazz got a bit jealous and dug out her favorite pink mousie and the game was on. Now that is all she wants to do, no matter what I'm doing. She brings it to me in bed, she brings it to me in the bathroom and just a few minutes ago she kept bringing the mouse to me while I was making meatloaf. She will rub on my legs and talk to me with these little squeaks until I pet her, praise her for being so smart and then throw it. I've created a monster.

Here's a few action shots from last night.