A few months ago I was in a deep depression. I came out of it and now I'm worried I'm starting to slip back into it. Emotionally, I'm fine. No complaints. I am happy with my husband, and the kids drive me nuts me at times, but they're teenagers- that is their job! I have a nice circle of friends to talk to.

But otherwise I have all the classic symptoms of depression: I can't get enough sleep. All I want to do is sleep. My migraines are coming back with a vengence (I always get a ton of migraines when depressed). I am bored with a lot of things I typically enjoy. I am letting the housework slide big-time. Food? eh, its ok, and I tend to "forget" to eat... like right now, I am starting to get shaky and dizzy from not having eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.... I should go get breakfast but I'll get there - eventually.

I called the requested a new foster kitten (which I should hopefully get Sunday) because thats honestly what brought me out of my last depression. I am really scared of slipping back into depression. My husband thinks its because I was promised work in January by a couple people and NONE of them have klept that promise. So here I am two weeks since I last did any work and made any money, though the bills still come. He feels (and he might be right) that once I'm working on some projects again and making money I'll be better. Who ever said working for yourself is fun?