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Thread: My rabbit doesnt like me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    lanark, scotland

    My rabbit doesnt like me

    Please could I have some advice - my 12 week old mini lop-eared female rabbit (Sophie) doesnt like me. It likes my mum and her partner but runs and bites me. I love her and give her lots of affection but she seems to resent me. I do the same things as my mum and karen with regards to feeding, playing and grooming her. We have had her for two weeks and the vet has advised that sophie and I are supervised until she stops biting me but nothing seems to deter her. I am frightened that she will never stop biting and we will have to get rid of her. I wont give up and hope and would be grateful for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I would just keep being freindly with her - pat her but don't pick her up. Most rabbits don't like being picked up anyway. I would just make sure that when you are with Sophie (whom I bet is as cute as can be! ) you make sure you are always calm, and move slowly. Pet her just on the nose and head (bunnies favorite spot) and just sit quietly with her. Is she allowed to run around, or does she stay in a cage all the time? If she's usually in the cage, DON'T reach in to take her out - this can make a bunny feel very threatened, and like her home isn't safe. Just open the door and let her come out on her own, or at least wait until she comes to the entrance.

    And NEVER try to touch her tail! Our bunny would definitely bite anyone who did that!

    Be patient, quiet and calm, and I'm sure she will learn you are her friend.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Hi Ryan~

    I have a bun named Sophie too! I'm not sure what to tell you, perhaps if you've only had her for two weeks, she is still adjusting?

    There are other members on the board who have more rabbit experience than I, and they will probably be of more help!! (Like Karen, who must type a whole heck-of-a lots faster than I!! lol)

    Welcome to pettalk!

    [ September 09, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hey Zippy:-)
    This is Boomer from the house bun chat.Some of the suggestions I have might seem VERY weird to you but trust me they are tried and true.First you don't over welm so you have to start with one room at a time for her.While you and her are alone in the room,sit in the floor and just watch her.You will find that to be very enjoyable any way.Be patient though!Here comes some of the weirdness to some,lol.If she doesn't start to warm up to you with in a few day's,by that I mean come and at least sit some where by you.Ok,ready?Act like your cleaning your self like she does,like act like your licking your hands and clean your self like she does.Make sure she see's you do this.The time you have watched her try to immatate some of the things she has done.A lot of the times you just have to be patient and let her get used to her surroundings and most of the time they come around.Just remember all she's had to go through just to get to where she is now.I had one I had to do all the above and more,but eventually she did come around.Getting them fixed helps out a lot some times to.Which I reccomened you do any way.The bun I have now only required that I sit in the room with her for a day and let her do her own thing.Now she follows my every step.She's not old enough to get fixed so she also(since she's the only bun that lives in the house hold now)wants me as her mate(bless her heart,she is soooo confused)Just be patient:-).there are also a lot of websites that can tell you of different things and way's of bonding.Good luck because the relationship you'll have with her will be so well worth the effort.People just don't realize what they are cabable of doing.Happy bonding,Boomer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by boomer:
    <STRONG>Hey Zippy:-)
    This is Boomer from the house bun chat.</STRONG>
    Welcome, Boomer - good to have another bunny-friend here!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Hey Boomer!

    Glad to see ya on here! IT's ADDICTING THOUGH!! lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York, USA

    yur rabbit

    Hey Ryan,
    I have a rabbit too, when I first got her she was a little mean to me too. I think what you need to do is slowly build her trust. Just sit next to her cage, or let her out and sit still and wait for her to make the first move of friendship. Don't push her, she is still a young rabbit and you can fix your relationship, i'm sure of it. You just have to be patient and let her get used to you. Talk softly to her, butagain, if you start to get her affection, don't push it, she may sill be adjusting to you. If you need more advice write me.
    *jelly mcbean + maddie*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    Hi Ryan nice to see another scottish person on here, I was the only one until now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA

    Good Advice

    Boomer, I have 5 house rabbits and volunteer at a rabbit sanctuary and I think you've gotten some very good advice. My main piece of advice is that if she is caged you let her out and you sit on the floor with her for as long as can read or watch tv with the sound on low but it's important that you be down on her level. Remember rabbits have been prey animals for 10's of thousands of years and they are naturally timid and shy... Speak to her in a soft voice. Do this at least 2xs/day. Most rabbits hate to picked up (they can't get away from a potentially dangerous situation). As Karen said it takes a lot of patience to win them over. Also the advice of not trying to pull her out of her cage it sound. Rabbits will see their cage as a safe haven and you don't want to destroy that trust. Rabbits are naturally curious creatures and she will come out on her own and eventually she'll come over to check you out if you don't do anything threatening. But it will take time. Check it is a great website full of great information. Good luck!

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