Originally posted by Karen

The second thing is that the second attck occured NOT at feeding time, and Arthur had to climb a five and a half-foot wall to accomplish the attack. Arthur was still a puppy. he was just going to get bigger and stronger. Perhaps given the money for a behaviorist and time and a home with no other dogs, no chances of encountering other dogs, or even small children, always being fed with no one else in the room, etc., Arthur MIGHT never have attacked another living creature again, but that is a very big chance to take. Especially given the severity of Charley's injuries.
I completely agree with Karen. RottiMommy, what you did to help your dog was wonderful, but not everyone can do all of that. Arthur's mom has other dogs in her home and, obviously, it would be extremely difficult for her to keep Arthur from attacking Charlie after the first two incidences (he DID jump a 5 1/2 foot wall just to get to him, unprovoked)! Behaviorists cost atleast $100's, probably more like $1000's of dollars. And, as for Rottie rescue or finding a new home, there is already (SO sadly) an abundance of Rott's in shelters everywhere! I knew people who were moving out of the country and couldn't rehome their wonderful male Rottie of 2 years, and no Rottie rescue would take him because they were all full. It is not easy, I'm sure Arthur's parents made a decision that was absolutely necessary, because we all know they loved him more than anyone!! Seriously, everyone has a right to there opinions, but there's no use dwelling on this. Arthur is at the RB, happier then he ever could've been here, and he is safe. I won't criticize his owners' decision because they probably know and understand a lot more about the situation than we do..