Kay and her dad came by this morning. They thought they had gotten to the airport on time. I can't remember exactly why they weren't on time. So, I got to give her the presents I had for her. I wanted so bad to post the pic I took of her with her one present but I thought she would want to do that. Then, I forgot to get a pic of her with the shirt I bought her in Ohio. Anna got her an Ohio State one and I got her one that said "That tizzle is off the hizzle fo shizzle" Cracked me up! I knew she would like it. Anyway, we got Doogie and Kiara together. They stayed her until about 1:30 and then headed back to Orlando for the 5pm flight. I know they had plenty of time this time. They wanted to charge her dad $600 to change the ticket.

I decided to move Doogie's new cat post thing into the living room. So now, this is what you see. One for each window. I think it's cute.

I was at the barn today for Flair's shots and took some pics. All the horses were watching this guy:

Here's a beautiful Paint

Here's a horse named Yellow. He's a sweetheart. I think he's 17 years old.

More in next....