Hey everyone...

Sushi and I just got back from the white coats. We have good news and not-great news. First the good news - Dr. Alan did the eye drop and black light thing and said that there was no damage to Sushi's eye, which is good, so he attributed it to Sushi's infection of Kirin's cold and gave me antibiotic ointment to put on it 2-3 times a day (should be fun ). Hopefully it works, Dr. Alan sees no reason why it shouldn't.

As for the lump, he said that it wasn't located where lymph glands are so he wants to keep an eye on it. According to the woman who administered his vaccines, she did do it between the shoulder blades so it very well could be VAS (vaccine-associated sarcoma). However, his last round was given either the day before or the morning of when I picked him up, which was only about 10 days ago... so it could just be irritated. I am to bring Sushi and Kirin in for their rabies vaccine in 3 weeks and if the lump hasn't gone down in size or disappeared by then, we'll have to look into it further.

So please pray for Sushi, that it's just an irritation at the site of injection and that it isn't anything more than that. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my baby. I know I've only had him a week and a half but I love him so much already, I'd be devastated if it turned out to be cancer. Pet Talk prayers have made miracles happen. All I ask is that my little guy remain happy and healthy.
