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Thread: Migraine headaches

  1. #1

    Migraine headaches

    Does anyone here get Migraines? Some members of my family get horrible migraines, I'm scared I may develop them. Sorry, I've been worried about this lately because I've been getting horrible head aches. I went to the doctor though and he thinks they are just from stress--I still think there is somthing more though

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Chronic sufferer here!

    I started getting them in highschool. Over the years, I've found there are many triggers for me. Among them are stressful things. For instance, if I hear bad news I can get an almost instantaneous migraine. If I am forced to do something I don't like (oh, say paying bills) I will have a migraine by the end of the day.

    Also, food is my MAIN thing. I have to avoid a lot of food that is aged or processed....
    MSG (in a lot of chinese food, and other things)
    Alcohol (INSTANT migraine after even a thimblefull of alocohol)
    chocolate (depends on how much chocolate I eat)
    many cheeses (you'll trial and error this one - I can eat mozzerella but not blue cheese )
    oh, crud, the list is too long, here's a link to what foods to avoid, or at least try and weed out!
    food migraine triggers

    And one last one: they tend to fluctuate with hormones. Some women get them at different points of their monthly cycles.

    Oh, and one a lot of people don't know about: taking TOO much over the counter remedies. Especially aspirin. After a bit, you can get a "rebound" headache that is actually worse then the initial headache because of the aspirin.
    Did I help?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    I have had exactly three of them in my life, one of which was last Thursday. I guess I am lucky because my boss gets them about 2 times a month.

    They are THE most horrible thing I can think of. My eyesight goes all wacky (lights are too bright, and they flicker); my hearing goes way wacked (I can't hear what somebody is saying right in front of me, but I can hear somebody typing two rooms away); I get very sick to my stomach; and I have this pounding, pounding headache that I can feel even when I sleep. This last one lasted about 2 days, but I can still feel the effects tonight.

    There is nothing worse than a migraine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    Migranes here. No use worrying about it, you can't really prevent them (you can sometimes reduce frequency)

    But I like hot wet cloths. They work well to temporarily relieve pain. I also like excedrine. I live on it when I'm in pain!
    Doing my part to save BBD's, one dog at a time!

  5. #5
    sirrahved -- I guess your right, there is no use worrying about them haha.
    According to the Doctor they are just horrible head aches, I dont have any problems with my eye sight when I get them, but i get really sick. The only thing that makes me think they are stress head aches is that I get them at school all the time, when we are doing a test or something.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    New Zealand
    I suffer from a lot of headaches, and get migranes occasionally, my mother and sister do as well, but honestly the other headaches I get can be just as bad,just different.

    I often have to go to the after hours doctor to get something for them, Tramadol was once given to me, but be warned this is a mind altering drug, one I would not take again unless absolutely necessary(well for me anyhow), my sister is often given Morphine but that makes her sick, I believe you can now get Nurofen Migrane pills , and if you take them at the onset , they can prevent them getting really bad.

    Headaches of any kind are very debilitating and no fun for sure, but Don't worry too much or the stress might bring one on.
    Furangels only lent.
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    RIP our sweet Nikita taken suddenly ,way too soon ,you were a special girl we loved you so much ,miss you ❤️❤️

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ottawa ,Ontario, Canada
    I get them alot! I usually get them once a month or once every 2 months, and they are not fun.

    Usually I can tell if Im getting one, but sometimes they come on so fast.

    my eyes get blotches, my arms go numb and look/feal weird (hard to explain) and sometimes I get sick to my stomach.

    and when they start, its the worst pain for me.. and I get sound, and light sensative. And all I can here and feal is pounding, like someone is squishing my head together, its really horrible. There is nothing really I can do, so I try and sleep it out, but sometime I end up throwing up. The last one I had was maybe 4 weeks ago, and they are no fun. And the worst thing you can do is panic. When I got my first migraine I freaked out, and I couldn't remeber things,and it made things worse, on top of my eyes were all weird, and I couldn't feal my arms.

    I have been getting them for about a year now, and I found the only thing that helps is Advil Migraine Relief.

    ~*~Thanks Liana For The AWESOME sig!~*~



  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    I had migranes the first trimester of my pregnancy. I do not wish them on my worst enemy. They suck! I hope that you don't start getting migranes. Try not to be to stressed out and hopefully those headaches will go away.

    Thank you Wolfie!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    I've heard genetics play a part in determining whether or not you'll get migraines. At least, that's what our doctor said even though neither of my parents have ever had them.

    I started getting them around June of this year. What a horrible time to get them too! My vision went all wacky for a week. I had year end exams and provincials that week. I couldn't read a darn thing unless I held the paper about 3 inches away from my face.

    I've found that they usually come once a month (you know.. during that time.. ) or when I get extremely little sleep (I only got a couple hours sleep the first time I had a migraine).

    I really hope you don't get them but if you do, there are usually things you can do to minimize the pain.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

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