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Thread: Loud and Lonely

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    San Marcos, TX

    Loud and Lonely

    Rupert is about a year and 3 months.He was the pet of an aquaintance of mine, and he lived with his mom and his sister for over a year, but he had to find a new home, and I coudn't let him get put in a shelter, so I took him in. He's had almost 2 months to adjust to it being just me and him, but sometimes I think he forgets and it distresses him greatly that there isn't anyone else there. he also gets very sad when I leave because he's never been alone before.

    The problem is, there's really no way I can get another cat for quite a long while. My apartment has a $300 animal deposit fee, and that's per pet, there' really no way I can afford a second kitty, at least not for a long time. Is there anything I can do to help him get over being alone? How can i help him realize that it's always going to be just me and him. He just seems so depressed lately, and very, very vocal for no visable reason. Sometimes he just stares at the wall and meows. This behavior has been much more prevalent in the past week since I've been working twice as much to help pay some of the bills, his and mine. He's got tons of toys, a whole apartment to explore and 2 very large windows which he perches occasionally. i just don't know what else I can do for him. what are ya'll suggestions?

    Some Playtime photos. Sorry, I have a really cheap camera, but I'm working with what I have!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    Whenever I'm not home, I always leave the tv on for my cats. I know it sounds kinda dumb, but it makes it seem like I'm home to them. Or, try leaving a radio on. Just a suggestion.

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Northeast, MA.

    In shelters,

    they leave classical music on the radio on, turned down nice and quiet to calm them down. Also, use Rescue Remedy- but that's for anxiety and he's anxious cuz he's lonely. so it would be best I think to address the loneliness....
    what about getting a gerbil? You wouldn't have to tell the manager...there would be instant entertainment... leave freshly grown catnip down (just a bit- dont want him to build up a psychological resistance, videos with birds and squirrels, cds with birds and squirrels, (i know these things only last an hour or so...). what about asking a friend to stop by once a day to visit him?
    A pet sitter would charge way too much but a friend might just charge you an occasional lunch out? Does he have the mice with rabbit fur on them (I know we're not supposed to buy them but cats love them!). Ask Catmandu what he does for toys- he makes them and others on pettalk say they are very popular with their cats- worth a try! Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Kansas (originally from St. Louis)
    Get a bird feeder, or two and hang it outside your window. I call this "kitty TV". Mine will watch for hours, and they get so excited when they see the birds! You can get a cheap one at Walmart, and a huge bag of bird seed lasts a long time.

    I also used to have a fish tank that the kitties really liked. I tried having just a regular fish bowl, but it drove Bentley crazy to the point where I actually had to take the fish to work! Bentley was trying to knock the bowl over, and even tried opening the bathroom door after I put the fish in their.

    Good luck. After I moved into my own apt with no other animals, Bentley was upset and lonely and it broke my heart (and drove me crazy!). I ended up getting another kitty, but you have to do what's best for your own situation. You can only take on so much.

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