well my mom is talking to my dad right now because we need to do something about shadow, no she has not done anything worng, the problem is that the other dogs have lost all respect for her, and this afternoon the other 5 all young and agile attacked shadow at once, she is nearly 8 years old, she is strong enugh to fight off one dog at a time but 5 dogs at once was horrable, she screamed and finally managed to escape under the bed in my moms room, and now she has been following my mom around all day. we all think it would be best is shadow moved in with my dad, she would be an only dog, and get lots of attention plus she loves being with him. only problem is dogs are not allowed in his appartment. now the biggest problem is that shadow was taken away from her mom too early(she was found in the streets very very young) so she has not learned pack behavour from her mom, she has no idea what the signals in dog language are, because she never learned them. I will let yas know what my mom and dad decide(shadow is my dads dog remeber)