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Thread: Odd Behavior

  1. #16
    Originally posted by LoveMyPeaches:
    The ice story is pretty cute! While my cats do not have odd-ball habits like that, my Daisy (1 year old black cat) loves Wheaties! She knows what is in the orange box. I have tried to trick her by pulling out a different box but there was no response until I pulled "the orange box." She goes nuts. I don't need to shake it - just the site of the orange box makes her crazy. I don't feed my cats human food but somehow she developed this love for Wheaties. Of course she gets the best of me and I share some Wheaties with her. My other cat, Pekoe, has no desire for Wheaties - or any other human food. Daisy has even dump over the trash can because she can see the "orange box" sticking out of the top! I often call her my Wheatie-Sweetie.
    Nice story! Fun kitty!

    You should enter Daisy into the Cat Olympics... She eats the "breakfast of champions"!

  2. #17
    Originally posted by Lolo:
    This is so funny! My kitty goes crazy any time we cook dinner. He won't eat people food...but he does meow as loud as he can! The only really strange thing Cosmo does is when he's hungry, he will lead me to his bowl and just sit there. Even if there is food already in there, he won't eat a bite until i shake the food around in the bowl! My mom tells me i spoil him, but he is my baby!
    Spoil that baby! She deserves it.

    I had a dog once that didn't want to eat her food. To encourage her I would get down and pretend to eat her food out of her dish. She would get jealous and nose me out of the dish and eat her food, lest I did. Maybe you might try that!

  3. #18
    Originally posted by Betty:
    I can relate to Lolo's story. My kitty August would often sit at his food bowl and give me "the look" - meaning he wanted me to rub his back while he munched on his goodies. When I did rub his back, he would purr so loudly and sometimes knead while he was eating his dinner. It was pretty funny watching this little guy get so happy - his two favourite pastimes - eating and getting his back rubbed.
    I guess that's a good sign of getting pampered.....
    Wow! Betty, you and August have taken kitty-pampering to a new level!

    [This message has been edited by Burrl (edited July 10, 2000).]

  4. #19
    I eat at my desk every day and always have a cup of sugarfree strawberry jello for desert. One day my cat, Morris, decided to help himself after he had finished his lunch of Science diet dey cat food. I thought,,,,oh how cute,,,he won't like this stuff and if I let him have a taste he will go away and leave me alone to eat lunch.
    WRONG.......Now everyday we have desert together. He gets a couple of bits of the cool red stuff and he is content and spends the rest of the day napping,,,,I haven't tried any other flavors or colors but I imagine he would eat these as well.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    MI, USA
    My ragdoll is so funny! When my mom and dad went to get her they said a bag of Chips had spilled and she was on the floor eating them. Now she is about three years old and you can't eat a bag of well basicly any type of junk food without her meowing and jumping on you and licking you until you give her one bite and then she gose away! She'll eat any junk food from any type chips to ice cream and popsicles it's nuts!

  6. #21
    Originally posted by zippy-kat:
    Our cats, Clarice and Tinker, HATE to see the bottom of their bowls. We must shake the food around until it covers the up the "hole"...then they will happily munch away! They also refuse to eat the crumbs.
    Zippy-cat ~

    I know about this "hole" thing...

    Either hole-o-phobia is a common behavioral trait or Clarice and Tinker have a lot in common with my cat, Burrl (my screen-id cognomen). Burrl will find me wherever I am in the house and complain (for hours if necessary) until I cover a "hole" in even just one of the food dishes.

    Now crumb-o-phobia... That I know is prevalent throughout all kittydome.

    Or, uh, are there some out there that actually prefer crumbs (crumb-o-philia)? I guess any response on this will disprove that assertion.

    Burrl is a male flame-point Siamese. If you are wondering how he got such an odd name, this is the story:

    We thought he was a "she" until the vet told us otherwise. We had named him Purrl! :O

    We did some quick thinking and told the vet receptionist to just add another loop to the "P"! -- Purrl became Burrl, just like that.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    MI, USA
    My cat dos't care about the hole thing but she won't drink from a bowl! Yes I mean it she won't drink from her bowl!! After my shower she will drink from the shower and when I brush my teeth she will go nuts unil I put water in it for her to drink! The whole sink thing started when we first got her and my mom had the water on and Nala started playing with it so mom filled up the sink and she started drinking from it. At first it was cute but now the only reason I do it is that I don't want her to get dehidrated! I've tried everything I still have her water dish out and I give her fresh water but she never drinks it!!

    [This message has been edited by JKRJG24 (edited July 09, 2000).]

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab

    That was some quick thinking! lol Cute story!

    Clarice is a siamese/tabby cross. (I refer to her as a "tab-ese".) She is cross eyed. Remember the show Clarence the Cross Eyed Lion? Well, we "adjusted" the name to fit a female cross-eyed cat...hence, the name Clarice.

    Tinker is one of Clarice's kittens but she favors the Himalayan breed with the purr-sonality of a ragdoll. (Her father was a traveling salesman.) No stories behind her name though.

    Somehow, I managed to overlook your reply on Max--sorry about that! He was just a blk alleycat that decided this was to be his new home. When he first adopted us, he slept in the tree in our front yard--poor baby couldn't even be coaxed inside except to eat. However, he soon discovered the benefits of being a housecat! He was such a silly guy, we were lucky that he chose us!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Hi Burrl,

    Thanks for instigating this topic - it's a great place to come and share the experiences we have with our little fur faces. They're such a lively bunch and this forum is justification that felines are distinctly unique in some many ways.

    Laughter is good for the soul - our special friends certainly know how to take care of us - don't they.

    Thanks again for sharing the fun!

  10. #25
    Originally posted by dallee118:
    My two hooligans,Jimi (female 1 yr old) and Barkley (male 6 mos old) also like full drinks but for another reason entirely. They love to steal my drinking straws and carry them around like prizes! We find bright colored straws everywhere. They don't even wait for me to sit down to try and heist their favorite palything. Both of them have been known to jump on the counter as soon as I turn my back to put the soda (or whatever) back in the fridge!! Gotta Love Those Cats!
    Dallee ~

    ROTFLMAO! I can just visualize your Jimi and Barkley carrying on for want of a silly straw! Great story! Thank you!

    Perhaps we should start a new thread about "Inexpensive Kitty Toys" (inadvertant or not).

    Hee! Hee! (still laughing)... I've heard of stawdogs, but strawcats? Honestly! That's gotta' be the last straw!

    OK... I'll stop being silly. I must thank you also for providing your kittens' names, ages and sex. It really helps in the visualization of your story. We should all follow your example and do that too, perhaps along with the coloration, pedigree or blend.

    [This message has been edited by Burrl (edited July 10, 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Burrl (edited July 11, 2000).]

  11. #26
    Originally posted by JKRJG24:
    My cat dos't care about the hole thing but she won't drink from a bowl! Yes I mean it she won't drink from her bowl!! After my shower she will drink from the shower and when I brush my teeth she will go nuts unil I put water in it for her to drink! The whole sink thing started when we first got her and my mom had the water on and Nala started playing with it so mom filled up the sink and she started drinking from it. At first it was cute but now the only reason I do it is that I don't want her to get dehidrated! I've tried everything I still have her water dish out and I give her fresh water but she never drinks it!!

    [This message has been edited by JKRJG24 (edited July 09, 2000).]
    JKRJG24 ~

    Interesting kitty training! Does she ever get wet?

    I hope you Nala don't have to suffer through a water shortage (drought). But I am sure you would sacrifice your lawn for her in such a case.

    At least you don't have a kitty who requires you to keep your toilet bowl lids down whenever not in use. ( Mushi is blushing here.)

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    saskatoon, Sask. Canada
    Thanks for the advise. No She does not bury her food in the litter box but covers it with plastic, paper or her favourite my tea towels. I have a feeling she was a feral cat adopted from the SPCA which would explain her lack of ready food..She is a very loving cat and I find her little antics quite amusing. I try to keep her littler box clean so that she does not think she has to cover it with papers or something she finds in the house.(not my tea towels.
    Thanks again

  13. #28
    Originally posted by bloomer:
    I love the "Ice Kitty" story. It sounds like you have hours of entertainment there. It amazes me how they train us for their little habits or bad habits and how something cute can turn into a daily ritual. I have 3 cats, 20lb maine coon cross, and 2 ragdoll crosses, Sophie my "little one" doesn't really like the the big Maine coone, Montana, so she decided that she wants to be fed away from him.. so she jumps on the table, and waits to be fed there.. she even has her own spot, and if something is in her spot.. it's usualy off the table.. she knows feeding time 4:30, and like clock work is sitting there waiting for her dinner.. we thought this was pretty cute at first, but it's pretty embarassing when you have guests for dinner and she's sitting there.. most non cat people just don't understand... I do however disinfect the table after..
    Bloomer ~

    Yes, we are in "ice-cube heaven" here!

    Three's Company! Your table is probably more germ-free than anyone's I know. Your little Ragdoll certainly has her territory claimed, both on your dining table and in your heart. Good for her! I don't think she is all that demanding... after all, Ancient Egyptians worshiped cats. I bet their every whim was catered to!

    At 20 pounds, Montana is certainly a big boy! I understand it's the little one that eats at the table. But if I were your guest, Montana could sit anywhere he wanted. -- He could have my seat.

    But seriously, he sounds like he's just a sweetheart too.

    I remember when I walked to kindergarten, there was a lady who lived in the corner house who owned a Maine Coon. It also was very large. That lady warned me that it had killed three dogs! Needless to say I was scared to come anywhere near her house. I rounded that corner on it's cross-street sidewalks twice per school day, or took a different route. Although now I am sure she told me that so I would keep my distance from her unfriendly cat. It took a few years before I was sure that cats didn't have little children on their menus.

    Another quick story: I had cousins who dressed their Maine Coon in baby clothes and spoon-fed her in a high chair. They also took her on baby buggy rides! It takes a patient and loving cat to put up with all that.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  14. #29
    Originally posted by Lolo:
    This is so funny! My kitty goes crazy any time we cook dinner. He won't eat people food...but he does meow as loud as he can! The only really strange thing Cosmo does is when he's hungry, he will lead me to his bowl and just sit there. Even if there is food already in there, he won't eat a bite until i shake the food around in the bowl! My mom tells me i spoil him, but he is my baby!
    Lolo ~

    Shake it! Spoil that kitty! He'll spoil you back.

    It is funny how we become attached to our cats' foibles. We aren't so quick to recognize how they become attached to ours.

    Cosmo reminds me a bit of my cat, Burrl. He doesn't require his food to be shaken to eat, but he does like to eat when we take our vitamins. He probably thinks they are like kitty kibble because of how they rattle in the bottle.

    I know he misses us when we are gone for a long time. He waits at the door to greet and be greeted! And he is especially sad when we go on vacations. The last time we came home from a two-week (kittysat) vacation I found him listless behind and under our bed. He hadn't eaten or anything for days. It took several minutes before he acknowledged our return and several more before he was parked in front of his bowl. Now we worry over taking long vacations again.

  15. #30
    Originally posted by Mouse:
    The story about the kitty who loves the Wheaties box reminds me of my fluffy boy, Ludwig.

    Ludwig is a Norwegian forest cat, and like many cats of that breed has no problem with close contact with people, as long as he is the initiator.

    I didn't realize exactly how un-cat-like he was in this regard, until the day he decided that he really, really liked to eat Tostitos. He realized this a few minutes before I did, and thought he would communicate this to me by standing on the couch next to me, leaning in, and biting at the chip I had in my mouth.

    This is now his "trick". I had never before even been able to get a kitty to eat from my hand [they usually want their treats dropped on the floor, for proper sniffing and delicate nibbling]; with Ludwig, however, if I hold one end of a Tostitos chip in my mouth, he will crawl up my chest and take it from me kissee-style.
    Mouse ~

    My mouth is agape in amazement of your story! I have never heard of a cat doing that! Wow!

    I'll bet Ludwig won't eat a Tostito with salsa on it though!

    You are blessed to have such a friendly cat.

    [This message has been edited by Burrl (edited July 11, 2000).]

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