Happy Birthday Layla! A whole one year old. We don't know when she was born, as she was a rescue. We got her July 9th and we guessed her at 3 months then, so I made her birthday Easter. Unfortunetly I don't have any bunny ears for my Easter Puppy.
She had a busy day today. I had the day off so we went to a park and then on a hike. I didn't take my camara though. I will go back and get some pictures, it was really pretty.
She was feeling sick today. Runnie poo and she threw up in the car. She felt better after the walk and came home and ate. She is now taking a nap and seems to be feeling better.
I will upload and post some pictures later.
Her birthday present is my roommate moving out. She is allergic to dogs so Layla lives in my room. She is also afraid of my little 30 pup...guess she won't be coming over when I get my Doberman. So this week she will learn the joy of free rein. I'll post pictures of that too.