Finn seems to already be calming down in the crate. Keeping him in our room was not a great idea, as it drove him batty to think we were right there and still ignoring him. Poor little guy. BUt, I've been adamant. I will not even look at or speak to him if he's crying. He's such a smart dog, too. When I or my boyfriend go into the spare room to take him out during the night or early morning, he immediately stops crying because he knows I won't take him out of the kennel until he does. But, he only now cries when we first put him in there to go to bed, and, after we take him out and put him back in after he's relieved himself outside. He gets a treat every time he goes in and comes out of the crate and he goes in there on his own to chew on his toy or nap. Things are going well, though. He starts his "puppy head start" training at petsmart on the 4th. We're excited!