I got another call from Tubby. He said everyone is aboard and they're just waiting for the ship to embark on its voyage. As everyone has settled in and is getting to know each other, Fister took the chance to fill a few of the participants in on the rules of the Faux Paws Tournament (aka shuffleboard tournament).

Tubby said he was happy to see Lovable taking part, even if he was hanging towards the back. Other than that, it seemed to almost be a convention of orangies - except for Ripley, Pouncer & Lily of course - which made Tubby think the orangies were going to gang up on everybody else to ensure they win the tournament.

Tubby said Eddie, Tigris, Andy, Ketchum, Cassy and Butter were seen hanging around Felicia, Bramble, Daisy, Grover, Milly and Tibby. Seems they're all getting to know each other in a group type forum.

Leroy was trying to talk Rascal into sneaking into the galley to see what sort of treats they could sneak out, but Fister persuaded Rascal to come listen to the shuffleboard rules. I really think that Fister is out to win that tournament.

Filou & Juni were no where to be seen.

Sadie was seen in the lounge practicing for the dance contest later, with McDoggle and a few of the kitties.

Miss Hoppy, Winter and the other bunster (Tubby says he's sorry but it's so hard to keep everyone's names straight), were hanging out near the ships on board garden. They thought they smelled some fresh parsley there and were wondering how to get at it without everyone knowing it was them that ate it.

Everyone else is more or less milling around, getting to know everyone else and getting settled.

Wait, Tubby! Is Peanut there, let me talk to her. Mow wow? Hi Peanut, it's meomy. I've heard tell that you and Livvy were throwing water balloons? Amberlee is worried that Livvy would do such a thing so please tell me it's not true. Mow no. Ok, you say it's not true, then I believe you. Let me talk to Tubby again.

Tubby, why is Peanut walking away snickering under her breath!?