Pouncer is now very embarassed about last night's escapades. Kirstin,yep, Lily was there, but she was a very good girl and didn't encourage the boys at all. He said he spent themorning in bed nursing a major catnip hangover. He has already sworn off all catnip for the rest of thecruise.

I was glad to hear that he and Lily spent a quiet afternoon watching the other kitties make trouble on deck. He and Lily just sat and quietly sipped iced salmon smoothies. They went to dinner - tonight was chicken lovers night - and were getting ready for tonnight's show, "Fur" which is the feline version of "Hair" I wasn't so sure it was appropriate for such youngsters, but the captain assures me that there is no nudity and it has been updated and tamed for todays' youth.

Pouncer swears that from now on, its only the best behavior or I can send the helicopter in for him and bring him home... which is the LAST thing he wants because he's cherishing every minute of freedom and every moment with his sweetheart! Awwww.