Ahh.... Pouncer finally clued me in on the New York trip..

He said he flew in with a few other kitties, but they split up in the city...

First was Edwina and Tibby - they got lost in Tiffany's.... look out, your virtual Master Card will be charged to the limit!

Then they lost both Eddie and Rascal in FAO Scwartz. They got mesmorized by "welcome to our world, welcome to our world, welcome to our world of TOYS..." That song just lodged in their minds and they decide to stay and play while listening to the song!

So it was just Pouncer. Lily, Boomer and his new friend Ketchum. But when they all came to the Empire Sate Building, Boomer thought he'd get into trouble if her went to the top - "after all," he said, "Meowmie won't let me out on the 7th floor - what about on the 1,860th floor!?!?"

Pouncer had a very nice New Yorker take this photo f him and Lily at the top