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Thread: Are there any cats you are afraid of?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany

    Are there any cats you are afraid of?

    I know, we all love the felines and have a special bond with them, but are there any cats that you fear?

    For me, it would be the cat of my mother's fiancé! He's a four year old tux boy and his name is Dino. It's not that he's agressive or mean, but he has really rough manners. It's actually no surprise because his territory is the forest, and he has probably been through many battles. He has killed a squirrel a while ago!

    I like him, and he likes me, but I'm afraid to pet him. He wants to be cuddled, but out of the blue, he would bite or scratch you. And believe me, it's very very painful when he does that! I already had some deep wounds from his attacks, and meanwhile, I really fear them.

    Now he is very damanding. When he wants to be cuddled and you ignore his wish, he attacks you from behind and grabs you with his paws, and of course he's using his claws. I'm telling him all time it's his own fault that nobody wants to touch him!

    Here you can see what a beautiful boy he is:

    My mother and her fiancé live here btw. All this is Dino's territory!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    I never thought I would meet a cat that I would be afraid of, but I did. My friend who lives just down the street from me, asked me if I could catsit her cat, while she and her hubby went away for a week. I said sure, cause I have met this cat before. Her name is Tiger and she is a Maine Coon mix. Big girl. Not very sociable with other people, but she was okay.
    The first 2 days, went okay, but come the third day, that was a different story. When I walked into the kitchen, she hissed at me for some reason, but I thought nothing of it as she had done this before to me in the past. I proceeded to get her food and fresh water and from behind, she attacked my leg. When I jumped, as she startled me, she started hissing and growling at me. She had me scared as I didn't know what the heck she was going to do. So I just went about doing what I had to do, trying to ignore her, all the while, with her still growling at me. The next day was even worse, she literally would not let me out of the kitchen. No word of a lie, she was standing in front of the kitchen entrance and when I would go to walk past her, she would attack me. To make a long story short, I never went to catsit my friends cat again.

    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    I forgot to mention that in order to get out of the kitchen, I had thrown a shirt that was on a chair, over her. I then jumped over her and ran down the hall and out the door. The next few days I had my hubby come with me and he dealt with her hissing and growling. Also, she is declawed, so she uses her teeth when she goes to attack. Claws I can deal with, but not teeth.

    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Oh oh, sounds like this girl was VERY frustrated and upset about her humans being away, and she has projected all her frustation onto you!

    How is she behaving now when you visit your friends? Does she still hiss at you?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    LOL Kirsten, I try not to go close to her, cause whenever I do she will hiss and swat at me. I guess she is getting back at me for throwing the shirt on her. She even will bite her owners, so that alone tells you that she is not a very nice cat.
    They have another cat named Patches. He is such a sweetie. He is all white with black patches on him. Hence the name Patches.
    You can pet and cuddle with him no problem.
    Tiger is 10 years old now and Patches is 3. Believe me when I say, that Patches stays out of Tigers way. He's no fool.

    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  6. #6
    Yes! My friends cat named Sox, is grey and white. This cat is so mean to me. If im walking Sox will run and attack my feet! Ouchy
    And she hisses at me. But these last couple days, Sox has been actually NICE! She was letting me pet her, and she was giving me head bumpies.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    My mother's cat Snoopy has always hissed at me. When I go to her place, I don't talk to her cat or try to pet him. Snoopy is ignored like he isn't even there. He leaves me alone too.

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The first morning after foster Bailey arrived she would not let me in the doorway to her room. Had she continued that behavior for very long she would definitely have been on my "afraid of" list. Even though I do not fear being in the room with her, IF I would ever actually have to DO something to her that she would not like, I am sure I'll be scared to death!!!
    And, as far as grooming customers go, there have been a few we sent away because we were too afraid of their behavior to work on them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    None that I've been afraid of, per se, but I've met lots that I wouldn't try to touch. Admire from the distance...
    Doing my part to save BBD's, one dog at a time!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Yes. The one Redhedd posted need ing a new home

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    catnapper, that is a good one.

    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ripley when he is having one of his fits of rage. Luckily they don't happen too often any more - about one a year.

    From Decker with Love

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I became afraid of my parents cat "Murphy Black" aka "Kitty". She's passed away now but I used to cat sit for them when they'd be out of town. She was half Siamese but looked like a long haired Tuxedo cat. She was full of "tude" too. One minute she'd be lovely dovey and the next she'd lash out and bite you. One day she bit my hand so hard that she left teeth marks in it. I learned to stay away from her after that.

    I'm also afraid of my Cirrus when I have to put him in a carrier to go to the vet. I hope that in time he'll become better about it and learn to trust me more.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA, where life is happy and gay!
    Originally posted by catnapper
    Yes. The one Redhedd posted need ing a new home
    LOL! Yes that one IS scary! Looks a little bit like Jack Nicholson to me

    I've never met a cat I've been scared of. When Jane was my neighbor she would rescue these ferals - some of them were kinda scary at first - but after a while I realized they were more scared than scary. After seeing her work with the ferals I realized that many cats can be socialized into being not scary.

    Now WILD cats are another thing. I think if I met a wild cat (in the wild) or any of the large cats - tigers, panthers, tigers, lions, etc. THOSE would scare me.

    Little Ms. Mitzi Mitts
    Our Photo Albums are
    Here and Here
    In memory of my beloved fur children, Goldie, Mishi and Mitzi.
    Rest in peace and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge.
    Goldie: 9/5/88 - 4/10/03
    Mishi: with us from 5/5/03 - 7/13/07
    Mitzi: with us from 4/19/03 - 1/23/10

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Brisbane, Australia

    Keith's cat Chakra

    Keith is my Mum's boyfriend and he has two absolutely beautiful Burmese fur kids that are always cuddling together named Suki and Chakra. Chakra has only three legs and is adorable, but she's a bit scary to pat because she sometimes decides to dig her claws in and they are sharp enough to draw blood every time!

    Another thing she does in the cold weather (which they get a lot of) is snuggle under the covers with you. This is cute, but she "kneads" your legs which really hurts!

    Mum to two little humans, a very vocal 14 year old Ragdoll, and a super energetic and snuggly rescue kitten.

    RIP Nibbler, joined the Bridge 12 May 2007.
    RIP Pixel, joined the Bridge 24 November 2017.

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