My sweetest Luna,

I'm sorry that it has been so long. Time just seems to go by so fast and when meowmie finally has the time to help me on the computer it has already been so long since the last time I wrote to you. I'm doing great! Meowmie and daddy put up this tree in the house that has all kinds of different things on, it's so cool! They won't let me climb it though. I've done my share of playing with the things underneath it though. Meowmie was mad at me the other day cause she said that she had to re-wrap a present cause I had torn the paper on it. I don't understand what the big deal is's just paper. She didn't stay mad at me for long though. All I had to do was to jump up in her lap and give her the "I'm sorry" eyes and she turned to mush

My meowmie also told me that you hadn't been feeling good...are you feeling better now? I sure do hope so!

Sending you lots and lots of headbumpies,
