PRE-PREP: A week ago, moved the soft-sided cat carrier into the main part of the house. I actually caught "the princess" napping in it once, and she promptly fled upon my recognition. Heaven forbid she actually appear to LIKE the cat carrier...but perhaps if it were more "part of the furniture", the eventual need to coax entry would not be met with such disdain.

I moved it from place to place, and in each case, found lil Miz Ritz on opposite ends of the room from it, glaring skirting it as if it held some invisible force field.

I'm beginning to wonder about Meomie - as if I wouldn't notice or remember....and I was NOT sleeping in it, I was checking around for one of my missing mice and urr, uh...well, I was just resting my eyes.

mom is up to something....

MY STORY - DAY OF ( V...E...T..) VISIT. Got up, behaved as usual, took the porta-puss device and placed in the small bathroom and closed the door so it would be nice and warm for the trip.

Played mousie with Ritz, brushed her, she was sleeping next to me while I was doing some computer work. I began to get ready and "poof" inviso cat. NOw mind you, no carrier had been visible, so there must be something she sensed was different.

"Princess", the cat formerly known as Ritz, was found in a "statue" pose between the kitchen wicker the shadows. As I was moving some clothing to the laundry, I caught a glimpse of her tail.

I took a warm towel from the dryer and placed it inside the carrier. Ritz, from her little hiding place, let out a distinctly inquisitive MRRRRROOOOOWWWW... I picked her up, she purred, then she saw IT...

I quickly closed the bathroom door - small room, no place to hide, and quickly placed her 14-poundness in the carrier on the warm towel. A temporary lull from the warmth allowed me to flip the soft cover and start to zip it up. HA HA! Victory......NOT, Zippers occasionally get stuck, out jumps cat who then paws frantically at the bathroom door.

I reposition the bag, zip part the way and place her head first, growling and snarling the whole we go again!

I think mom is losing her marbles. Who does she think she's kidding with that warm towel trick (it felt good, but don't tell her that)....These things always end up with someone sticking a needle in my hindside and something they call a metereader in my rear....a momometer...a thermotushyreador....anyway, it's rude and cold and I just don't give anyone permission to go there!

Growling and snorting seems to bring out the best in pets and hugs when I get home...after all, a primadonna puss has to maintain her good standing in snooty-little-cutie hall of fame!