Cinder's Wed Morning Report ~

Hi, All you fellow Nawtee Dawgs ~ Hard as it may be to believe, all was calm and quiet at Phred's Ranch the last two nites. SmokeMutt has been on a short string the hole time,but I'm not sure why Dad bothers - since he hasn't lasted through the news either nite. I'm not sure who's supposed ta be "watching" the Kid, since Dad probably can't catch too much wiffin his eyeballs slammed shut an his headbone pointed atta roof cause the kliner is in the lay-back mode. Dad does a liddel *frantik dance* when he wakes up by shufflin his foots around the chair feelin for *wet spots*, but the Kid holds on till he gets an outie. Mornings are a trip - the Kid crosses his legs till we get to the Shop and he can do his stuff inna side yard. I keep tellin him we don't always go there every morning, but he won't lissen.

Smoke goes to skool tonight, so Dad's gonna drill him around the shop today. We got a new trainin treat last nite atta store - Honey flavored Cheerio thingies. Dad popped the box this morning to try 'em out on us. Only took a couple to convince Smoke and Me they were A-OK/Good. Then Dad tried 'em. We haven't had one since - and the box is 1/3 emptee now! Dang, I hate when things like this happen !

Oh yeah, Max & Annie ~ Nope, the rug sukker stayed in it's klozet garage and all the new kleening jugs remained unopened onna counter. We were "just gonna watch Ed" onna TV, then "get busy". Translation: Maybe tomorrow .

Gotta go and convince Dad ta feed us brunch - which won't be easy cause he's not hungry account alla Cheerio's he pigged on all mornin! Hoomins can be sooo difficult ta manage!

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*