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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Merlin here, Not to confuse the subject but how about Hook as in hook and ladder. Or as in the fact Cinder and dad are hooked on stray. Mommy has a hard time letting strays go here too. I have lots of playmates,Dad keeps telling me about how bad she was when they lived in the country. That was before my time ,she still has 2 kats,3 chinchillas a hamster, and 3 rabbits. Never lonesome her,Oh yeah my 17year old human brother. Hope you keep stray for company!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Cinder, Cinder, hello Cinder??? You there Cinder?? So, what's the scoop on the poop, Cind? How's the Kid doing? Oh, Star here. Gettin a little nervis waitin to hear how you and the group are doin. Hope he was able to "contain" himself!! Anywho, we're waitin on ya for an update. Maybe soon it'll be official like and dad can finally announce the award winning name? Hope to hear from ya soon. Star

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Dad, PICK ONE! We're all goin' krazy here.

    Cinder here; trying to figure out how the Kid and I can get some cotton stuffed in our earbones. This voice testing of his names is REALLY, Really getting stressful. I try to ignore it, but Dummie (there's a good one) keeps jumpin' up to see what *his master's voice* wants. Give us a Break!

    We'd agreed on this short list when Dad grabs another fire book and startes reading the Index! Now the "short" list is longer than the first long one...
    • Flint (OK as Flinty (says Dad), shouts ok as Fliiiiint; in the running
    • Smokey (OK as Smoke, Cinder & Smoke sounds good, shouts ok; list topper
    • new additions:
    • Carbon just got added, but doesn't shout well other than Carrrrbon
    • Hydro (I could do a lot with this one
    • Rehab

    Dad's convinced that some consonants shout as good as vowels - ya should hear what he can do with Ciiiinderrrrrrrr at midnite! Wakes dogs up for half a mile in all directions.

    Now he's agonizing over whether it otta be Smokey or Smokie?? When will this end? I gotta idea - he often calls me "Woof"; how 'bout we make it *Woof 1* and *Woof 2*??

    I'll fill y'all in on the weekend later. /s/ Cinder

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Love, love, love Smokey!! Since the Kid won't be signing his name anytime soon, sure HE doesn't care how it's spelled! But, I think Smok(ey) is more of a classic...either way, it's a keeper!! Oh, Cind, Star here...Layin off those unyins!!?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Hey everyone, Daisy the Basset Hound here. I've been keeping kinda quiet throughout this whole ordeal cuz, well I admit it, I was gettin' kinda jealous of Cinder. Mom just loves her! But I saw how cool you are Cinder, and how much fun you other pooches are havin' here so I said hey, why not? I haven't used any 'puters before and it's kinda hard to type since my paws are huge and my long Basset ears keep gettin' in the way but I'm tryin'. Anyway, I like Flash and Flint for names. Mom says she does too but she only said that cuz I did and I'm the boss! Cinder, I'm glad The Kid did his poopies. Backed up poopies can be quite a problem. I have no problems with 'em but my boyfriend Moe used to get as clogged as the shower drain after I take a bath durin' sheddin' season. He takes some special food now and he's all better. I also hope you get to keep your friend. I want a lil' brother or sister but Gramma says no more dogs. I guess I can live with that since I got lotsa friends around here, but I think it would be nice. I've been readin' around and two-dog houses sound kinda nice! And Hannah you may try to sound tuff but I know under that growl you love Tucker!! By the way, he's got a good name, it's Mom's last name! Hey this usin' the 'puter thing isn't so bad! It's kinda fun acshully. Oh no! THERE'S A U.P.S. TRUCK OUTSIDE! WITH A U.P.S. GUY IN IT! Gotta go save the world guys!!!!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    How about the name Chance like in second chance since you saved the little guy

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hey, Daisy, Star the lab here. Geeeeez, you sound just like me!! I was kinda gettin my tail in a twist over all the time mom was spending talkin bout and writing to Cinder Dog. (See my own posting in dogs general under "Star Flash.") Boy, was I havin a case of the Grrrrrrr's!!!! But, I vented, came to see the Cinder Dog and Kid as kinda cool, and now we talk reglar and think we're even becomin good pals. Hope I can be one to you too, Daisy. Always thought you Basset girls were soooo cool looking! Do you use hair clips to keep yer ears outta yer food? Anywho, I like the name Flash too, 'cept I voted for Sparky (my nickname) and Smokey. Just wish they'de get off the bowl with this one! Hey, did ya get the UPS guy? My UPS guy thinks I fell off the turnip truck or somethin. Tried to bribe me the first delivery with a krunchie. GEEEEZ! Take more than that to get me to lay off the leg, if you get my ruffff! Catch ya later, Daisy. Be sure to watch Miracle Pets tonite to see Kiwi, one of our Dogs of the Day. She was a reeeeeeel hero lab to her handicapped mom! Bye for now. Star

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited January 29, 2001).]

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Originally posted by Phred:[*] Smokey (OK as Smoke, Cinder & Smoke sounds good, shouts ok; list topper

    Cinder Dog, I go along with Dad on 'Smokey' as the top name for Stray Dog. Fills all bills:
    . Goes with Cinder
    . Spelling is good: 'smokey' is a REAL word...dunno about 'smokie'
    . Good for yelling
    . Lends itself to being varied just for 'Smoke', 'The Big Smoke', 'Smokes'
    . Has a theme song, 'On Top of Old Smokey' can sing to your new brother, Cinder.
    Yes, my final vote goes to 'Smokey'. But you & Dad might like to keep thinking & trying other names out. The final name has got to work for you!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Hey, Daisy here again. This 'puter thing is kinda addictin'! Now I see why Mom's always typin' on it. Yah I wanna be friends with all you doggies too. Hey thanks Star, yah us Basset girls are pretty cool, I must admit. I don't wear hair clips but sometimes if Mom gives me some leftover stew or somethin' messy she puts my ears in a scrunchie and makes a little "ponytail" (I don't understand that name one bit... they are doggie ears, NOT a pony tail!). Everyone laughs and says its so cute. I dunno about the cuteness factor but hey it's worth it for some hyoomin food. Yah know, I like you lab girls too! One of my bestest friends is a lab pup named Sammy, even though sometimes she gets too rough with me (accordin' to Mom at least) and Mom jumps on top of her and yells, "RUN DAISY RUN!" Hehehe that always gives me a good tail wag. So Cinder, how's The Kid today? Any new stories? Aw gosh I sound like Mom...

    Slobbery Kisses,

    P.S. Star, that mean old Mom of mine wouldn't let me out to get the UPS man. He was on the stairs and I think he mighta put a bomb on the porch! Poor Mom is so oblivious. The whole world is out to get her and she don't even know. Lucky she's got me to save her from things like ants, UPS guys, and coats. The hyoomins just don't know how much we do for 'em!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Okay, Cinder, let your Dad know - the spelling choice is easy! For a boy, it'd be SmokEY, cause with the IE, it's a girly name!
    Of the remaing choices, I like Flint (kinda rugged like Clint Eastwood) and Smokey, as long as the kid doesn't get confused with references to the fire-fighting Smokey the Bear!

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Yah, I have to agree with Karen...Smokie is way too girlie. And the Stray might be real sensitive in that area inasmuch as he lost a few of the male accessories as it is. No use rubbing it in!

    "Smokey The Dog" would clear up any confusion with that bear. And being as Smokey lends itself to lots of nicknames
    (and we LOVE nicknmes), I'd say go with it, even though last night on the show where former Dog of the Day, Kiwi, was featured they had a dog named Pheonix. That would have tons of signifigance...Pheonix rising from the ashes, i.e. a burned out life brought forth in full splender from the CINDERS.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    >>Introducing: ***SMOKEY***

    By almost semi-popular demand, the folks at Phred's Place have finally agreed on the moniker for the newest FurKid in residence. Now of course the *Smokey* part is just the call name, afishally the young lad has a slightly more formal handle, in an attempt to make happy as many contributors to the effort as possible. His full (very full) names is gonna be: "Smokey Stray Mate, the Trey Kid".

    He's never gonna figure that all out. At least I only had to learn Cinder Woof, the Dog. The Cinder and Woof together mean ease up, I'm on touchy ground. Cinder + Dooooog means oops, this is gonna be bad. Woof Dog is usually a good sign. Five labels is a bit much, but I unnerstan we had a lot of help and have sum obligations...

    So here's the Winners List, with extra thankx to everybody who also helped but didn't get selected:
    • Moderator-in-Chief KAREN for the *Smokey* part
    • Cinder Dog with a LOT of supporting votes for the *Stray* part
    • Down Under ANGELS3 for the *Mate* part
    • RACHAEL J for the *Trey* part
    • and Everybody can claim the *Kid* part

    Dad's been tryin' it out on the Kid - talk about Totally Un-Impressed! Yesturday he'd spin his paws to dash inna the shop when Dad went in there to "test" call him with Smokey. Now the Smoke part gets his best >Duh, Huh?< look with the wrinkled brow and the twitching ears; a try with Stray sometimes gets a turn of the head, but little paw action. Hey, Kid! has gotten both of us two different times. Dad's making those funny *grinding noises* with his toofs.

    But it's too late ta change it now... We went back to the Angels' Place last nite to return their hard collar and Dad made 'em add his new name to his perm'nant rekords. Dad also had the Angel in Charge ickspress his glands, whaterver that is. They hadda walk through Kat Country to get aroung the doggie inmates to avoid a shoutin' match, and the Angel was 'mazed how well behaved the Smoke was when he strolled past the Kitty Klosets. She said he was sooo much calmer than when they first saw him. Dad asked about his rabies tag and the Angel said they held onta that till the Kid got a pem'nant 'doption. Dad said they better give us the tag then. He hadda write our name an address again and then she gave him the tag an some heartworm pills. We gotta go back to get his zipper undone this weekend, and he goes back one more time for a booster owchie.

    We went home an praktised name callein'.

    Dad sez thankx again to all the name suggesters - hope most everbody's happy!

    /s/ Cinder & the Smokey Kid...

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Cinder and Smokey,
    We have been sitting back, just reading, all the advice you have been getting, plus all of the great name selections. Whew!!! We sure are glad you finally decided on something. Who would want to go around with no name? We were about to suggest that you call him "no name dog".
    Sure is a good thing that your dad, Phred, finally decided to keep Smokey. How could he let him go now that you all have been through so much together? We figure the pooping problems must be a lot better since you haven't mentioned them in your last few messages. Congratulations on that! Our mom gets really upset if we go in the wrong place, so we NEVER do.
    Please keep us up to date on what's happening in your lives. Our lives are pretty boring. We play, sleep, eat and play some more. We are always together, so we're especially glad for you, Cinder and Smokey, that you have each other now.
    Honey and Lilly in SC

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    WHHHHEEEEW....I've been holding my breath so long just hoping that Smokey finally had a name and then in one fell swoop, I find out that he has a forever home as well. What a relief. I am so excited and happy for Stray - ooops I mean Smokey - and Cinder and Kat and Phred. Let's everybody lift a tall cool one tonight in honor of the wonderous event and before you even ask, Hannah, no you cannot have any laps from my glass of wine. This is truly the best news.

    HIP HIP HURRAY - Now next is Cinder and Smoke for Dogs of the Day.

    [This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited January 30, 2001).]

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    From all at the "House of Star and Cody" big congratulations!! Another happy ending here at "Pet Talk!" We are heading downstairs to lift a glass to dad, the now official Smokey and of course, Cinder Dog!! ONE big happy family!! Yeah! Now, can't wait for more tales from the continuing saga of Cinder and Smokey the "Stray Kid no more".....!!!! LOL Oh, and Hannah, Star says "Go for it!"

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