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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. That came fast and FURIOUS!!! As they say, it's either feast or famine in the world of canine elimation cycles. In this case, it was a beautious banquet of bountiful proportions. Glad to hear all personnel responded so quickly and efficiently to the effected disposal site, that containment was swift and efficient, and that as we "speak" plans are being "laid" (if nothing else isn't) to further facilitate the redirection of anticipated future evacuations to more appropriate site drops! As you say, immediate consideration of flow redirection is critical at this juncture as the further laying of large amounts of liquid cable seems inevitable due to the recent consumption of massive amounts of lubricanting agents. What a productive day! All I can is, that's a "load" off my mind Stray!!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by Angels3:
    I agree with Genia that Cinders has given a voice to dogs & cats. ... Karen & Paul, have you ever thought of adopting Cinders & her Dad and giving them a good home on this Genia suggests?
    Hi! After some thinking, discussion, and a little emailing with Cinder, I think the "animal tails" are just as fun in the scattered places they are! That way when the hoomins are discussing a certain topic, you guys can weigh in with you canine, feline or other perspective that people night not have thought about on their own.

    If the "animal tails" were all segregated in one area, people might miss 'em if they were only interested in a different area or topic. So, dogs, cats and others out there, opine away, just be sure to point out at the beginning that it's you speaking!

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    It's me, Hannah.

    First, I gotta say thank goodness THAT is over, and I think all of you know of what I speak. Parents sure do obcess about what and when stuff comes out of our butts. I thought it was just a "Mom thing", but apparently Cinder's dear old dad has got his nose where it doesn't belong as well. Now with all that grease Stray's been getting, it will be a while before his tum tum settles down to normal.

    Star, you got to give the Cinder Girl credit. She has taken over this board from the Know It All two-leggers. With the rest of us chiming in now and then, we will RULE!!!! Well, okay, at least until dinner time. I'm really trying to lay low on the adoption of Stray topic because I really want it to go through, you know like.. misery loves company. Once Cinder has a *Baby Boy* as a sibling and there ain't no turning back, then I can really let loose on what she will have to deal with...Tee Hee, I am such a devil dog.

    Now, everybody prepare yourself (gag) Mom's coming on with the poem that she says relates to Tucker (and she thinks it would be a good one for Stray as well).

    signed: Hannah, the Beautious One

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Shut Up, Hannah!

    Okay, this is the poem I wanted to share. I think it is by Evelyn Colbath from The Shelter Dog. I think it is called My Baggage.

    "Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
    All nicely tucked in my warm new bed,
    I'd like to open my baggage,
    Lest I forget.
    There is so much to carry-
    So much to regret.
    Hmm...yes, there it is right on top,
    Let's unpack loneliness, hearache and loss.
    And there by my leash hides fear and shame.
    As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave-
    I still have to unpack my baggage called pain.
    I loved them, the others, the ones who left me.
    But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.
    Will you add to my baggage? Will you help me unpack?
    Or will you just look at my things
    And take me right back?
    Do you have time to help me unpack?
    To put away my baggage, to never repack?
    I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see.
    But I do come with baggage - Will you still want me?"

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Cinder sez Wow, Hannah...

    That piece you Mom posted kinda sums up how I felt when Dad drove all the way to Wheeling, WV to 'dopt me.

    I showed it to the Stray Kid and he asked if we should show it to Dad. I said it couldn't hurt and might help, so we called him over to the 'puter. He didn't say nuffin for a long time, and then I noticed his eyes were both leakin'. Then he *scritched* both me an' The Kid and said "we'll see, we'll see..."

    I told The Kid we'd have to work on his pee & poddy really hard and then maybe things would turn out OK. He promised to try harder.

    Tell your Mom she did good, Hannah. /s/ Cinder

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Ah! Crying about the poem, crying about the Tucker man, crying bout the Stray Kid! Star's starting a pup prayer group tonight with Cody and her friends. Gonna put all their paws together, crossed real tight and pray to the doggie angels that Stray Kid is gonna find his forever home there with dad and Cinder Dog. Star thinks he's got a pretty darn good chance of nuzzlin into that big ole heart of dad's and never letting go. I think with a little help from his friend, the Kid will do just fine. Thinking of you guys with love and laughter. Sleep tight sweet angels.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Round 2 of Cinder's NAME THAT DAWG contest~

    Dad says time to make some progress here; he's been practice shoutin' all the suggestions. Me an' The Kid think he's starting to topple over the edge. Plus the Kid thinks he's being hollered at , and for at least the last hour he actually hasn't done anything wrong. Here's the current Dad, me, and Stray Kid list of good possibilities:
    • Ashley
    • Ashton
    • Flash
    • Flint
    • LaFrance (they make firetrucks)
    • Shilling (our road name, where found)
    • Smokey
    • Soot possibly Sooty (but sounds sorta close to Cinder)
    • Stray Boy
    • Stray Mate
    • Trey or is it Tres? and is it pronounced "tray" ??? Need a Frenchy to help.
    • ?

    No offense to any and all other suggestions. Some that we really liked got scratched 'cause they were sounding too close to "Cinder".

    This is getting as bad as when I needed a name. Went around for almost two weeks as "Pup Dog" til Mr Purfection finally de-sided. But I guess I'm happy he took the time - I kinda like the Cinder thing . And if Whats-his-name gets to stay I don't wanna be 'barresed every time Thunder-Lungs hollers our names. Who want's a liddel brudder with a Dorky name?

    I told Dad to hold a vote, but then I 'membered you Two-Leggers had trouble pickin' the Prez, so furgit the vote idea.

    Shoot over any better ideas anybody has. /s/ Cinder & The Kid

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Trey (yes, it is pronouced Tray) is a three on dice or cards. One of our little neighbor kids is called Trey. It is not his given name but his dad must have been a II and he a III so instead of calling him the same name as his dad, they call him Trey.
    Sorry it doesn't have the firefighter connotation unless them dudes play a lot of poker in their down time.

    What about "Captain", "Chief" "Sarge"...don't firefighters have some sort of rank like the military? What would be the low man on the totem pole 'cause we wouldn't want him coming in like he was the boss of anybody?
    Sorry, Cinder, I know you are narrowing the names down, but I just can't stop myself.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Originally posted by Karen:
    ... you guys can weigh in with your canine, feline or other perspective that people night not have thought about on their own.
    Hi, Karen, I'm a little tibetan spaniel called Angel. Thank heavens my Mom has shut up for a minute to let somebody with a lot more brains speak (me!). I like the idea you've come up with along with Cinder.
    Cinder can wander thro' all the forums, dragging her Dad behind her, sniffing out us 4-leggers who need some peer support.
    That's good thinking, Karen. Sort of going with the flow. I come from Tibet & I'm very buddhist so I go with the flow all the time. It's these 4-leggeds I live with who get all over-organized. It's so nice to meet a soulmate in Cinder Dog. Hope we exchange sniffs a lot in these forums...

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hey...Angel.....Star here. You sound really cool. The Buddhist thing and all. All spiritual like. We need a calming woof of reason and respect round here. Specially since I been spoutin my yapper off lately! As for names, me and Cody talked it over and our FINAL votes go for Trey and CinderFella a.k.a "Fella!" oh, and we also like Flash (suits the kids personality pretty well we think) oh, oh, and Sparky!!! Love Sparky! Yeah, yeah, we know, simple; common! But, a true classic none the less. A name with personality. That's my handle when I'm being my cutest and most playful. Mom says I'm a Star with "spark-a-tude!" Kinda soots the kid's karma too, dont ya think? Yeah, Cinder and Sparky...Got the fire thing going there too. OK, that's "my final answer!" Oh, and mom says to tell you, yes she did vote for pres., kinda, she thinks....which guy was it now????

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
    Hey...Angel.....Star here. You sound really cool. The Buddhist thing and all. All spiritual like. We need a calming woof of reason and respect round here.[/QUOTE
    Hi, Star, nice to meet you. Yes, it's great to be a calm little buddhist especially as I live with 2 busybody shelties. Isn't it great that Cinder Dog has opened the floodgates for us dogs to tell things just the way it is with us. Our hoomans really think they know my Mom thinks I'm a cute little golden button of a thing. But I know that I'm a Lion Dog of the East whose job it was to sit out on the ledges of the buddhist monasteries & give the alert when enemies came. I lie for hours at the side fence guarding our house...just like a true Lion Dog. And my hoomans still think I'm a cute button!!!!!!!
    About Stray Dog's name...Bill Cosby used to say that people should give their children a name that ends in a vowel. That makes a good name for can hold onto the vowel at the end to really yell. Like Billeeeeeeeeeee. So ,Cinders, you might pass this piece of info on to your Dad.
    Great talking with you, Star & Cinder Dog.
    Angel the Tibbie

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Cinder & the Kid,

    Hi it's Graham here to tell ya that after much thought and deebate between me and my lil sister, we decided that we would like to vote for the name Sparky for the Kid. It's old fashoned but it's actually funny, and your dad must have a good sence of humor to put up with the poopie issues!

    Cinder, I hope you are able to teach that kid bruther of yours where to let loose of all those stinkies bekause I like to hear about the Kid and you actually LIKE him! I wanted my lil sisturd...I mean sister to run away and never come back into MY house when her last 2 leggers gave her to mom. But now she's ok I guess. She has real bad breath and she makes non stop noise but she's not all that bad. Anyway, I think you are famous here on pet talk and I almost can't believe I get to talk to the one and only YOU! If you start to get jealous that the Kid is there, make sure you let Dad pat him first when it's real dry outside so he gets the best *ZAP* and then you can get the good pats, while the Kid walks away sizzeling!

    K, gotta go before Cassie tells on me for using the clickie keys without asking first.


  13. #58
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    My gang and I think Blaze is a cool name. Or since that new kid is cause'in so much trouble you could call em Hazard

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Killian and Shiloh:
    We think that (Cinder's)Fella is a great name. If you think that your Dad yelling out "Fella" is so bad, consider what our Mom yells out: Kill Shy LOL

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

    [This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited January 28, 2001).]

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    Since Flicker is out, I'll vote for Blaze or Smokey. We had a Tennessee Walker horse named Smokey when I was a kid, so I'm kinda partial to Smokey.

    [This message has been edited by Genia (edited January 28, 2001).]

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