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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #196
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Such a pretty furfamily! And it's amazing, Cinder & SmokeMutt look GREAT together! I am glad to finally get to meet them

  2. #197
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Honolulu, HI, USA
    Been down in the dumps, losing sleep, searching for my kitty Jasper, missing for 12 days...even with the extra licking and snuggling from Sandy and Moses, my two goldies. A sudden move in by family members in the last couple days, and we're packed and stacked to the walls. Rough time...but after finding all the stories here tonight, I want you to know I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Everyone thought I had flipped, gone over the edge with the pressure, but I was cracking up reading of all the adventurious antics of your four-legged kids. Finally I have found nuts who love their pets like me, and I'm not alone anymore. Thanks everyone, cause I think I'll finally sleep good tonight.

  3. #198
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Hi Jasper's Mom,
    I sure hope you will find Jasper soon. That has to be very upsetting for you. Good luck with all the family too! I think you are in excellent company with those two wonderful Golden Retrievers though! I get a lot of comfort from having mine around, especially when I am home alone. Never a dull moment!

    We're glad you found us. This is a fun place to hang out on the computer. If you enjoyed Cinder and Smoke, you will absolutely love reading about Frito Feet. Do a search in Dog General. You will laugh until you cry.

    Welcome to you!
    Logan (Mother of many)

  4. #199
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    So happy to welcome you, Jasper's mom. I pray with all my heart that little Jasper returns to you soon and safely. We're all here, so just lean! Love, Sandra

  5. #200
    Welcome, Jasper's Mom ~

    Sure hope the liddel KatKid wanders home soon.

    Dad's kinda been there, dun that when wunna us Dawgs takes a hike and ignores the old *come* call.

    Have you considered sending a Dawg Partol out to try and round up the KatKid? If they all get along, the dogs might be able to spot and entice the Kat into following them back home. When one of us is overdue from a poddy trip he sometimes sends the other Dawg out to "find" the straggler. Course after our "tied together escape" atta shop, the *go find your brother/sister* search mode has only been used at the Home Ranch - too dangerous atta shop in town.

    Try putting some of JasperKat's food outside on the porch or steps so he knows he's still welcome if he cruises by in the night.

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  6. #201
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Honolulu, HI, USA
    Thanks everyone for the kind words and good suggestions. Jasper has now been missing three weeks...
    Took my two boys all around the area several times, shaking his treat can too. Jasper loves to follow the dogs and me around, so if he was anywhere in the area he would have come to us. He was always rubbing and loving on the dogs. Although he wasn't outside all the time, he did love to hang out on my front porch. If he was out when I came home he would run up to my car to greet me. By the time the sun set he was snoozing on my bed. I often couldn't tell which was my purse or Jasper on my bed in the dark. Always slept with me at night, laying next to me as long as I was quiet. Had to have a paw or something touching me. Miss him terribly. My daughter came over and gave me a gift to help, meaning well...a black and white stuffed kitty...and I disolved in tears instead. Just not the same. I'm not ready to stop looking. Getting to be a nut about him being missing, pictures on my dresser, his catnip mouse next to them. If you're not a cat or dog person, you wouldn't understand.

  7. #202
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Oh, believe me, the people on this board understand completely. I would imagine there is more than a few tears being shed as we read your posts.

  8. #203
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, Jasper's mom, we're all animal people here, and know how heart-wrenching a lost pet can be. Perhaps, maybe, Jasper's "just visiting" someone, mooching some extra goodies for a little while or something. A froend of mine had a cat that would diappear for weeks and weeks at a time in good weather, then reappear just as suddenly. Let's hope Jasper does the same.

  9. #204
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I have been thinking of you and Jasper. I know those two Golden Retrievers have to fill part of your lonely heart, but there is something about our kitties that nothing else can fill.

    Several of us wanted to try and e-mail you directly, but we don't have an address!
    Maybe you can update your profile so we can "talk" with you directly.

    You are in my prayers.

  10. #205
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I too have been wanting to email you. And believe what everyone above me has said. We all here place our furkids at the top of the list and we and truly do understand how you feel. I cried when I read you last post. All day I couldn't stop thinking about you and little Jasper. Please don't give up hope. Years ago my little Sneakers went missing. Incredibly, ONE YEAR later I pulled into the driveway to find her lying on the walkway lounging in the sun. Please lean on us. It helps to know others really care and really do understand. Love Sandra

  11. #206
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Oh Jasper's mom, I sure hope your kitty comes home safe and sound!! I agree with everyone're in the company of friends so feel free to lean on us. I can imagine how worried you must be! I wish there was something we could do to help find all the missing pets! We'll all be saying a prayer for you that your kitty is safe and that he returns.

  12. #207
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Jasper's Mom, I hope and pray that Jasper will come home soon. Have you put up flyers around your neighborhood telling people that he is missing? Keep us posted, all of us care and we share in your sadness when a pet is missing. Big hugs to you in support.

    Now, on to this Cinder and Smokey business.
    I had never visited this forum before and was startled to see six pages!!! This morning I had just taken my shower, washed my hair and decided that I would read "just a little bit" before drying my hair. The next thing I knew a lot of time had passed and my hair was already dry. It is a good thing that I work at home and have no time clock to punch. I couldn't get back to this forum until this evening. It was just as though you had this really, really good book and you could hardly wait to get back to it. CinderDog you are some writer!! And then to see your picture - I can just see that picture on the back of the book jacket after you get published. But then you are from Ohio and all good people come from Ohio. (Ha. I was born in Warren, Ohio and no! you don't need to ask when).

    Cinder and Smoke keep those stories coming.
    And try to be a little more patient with your Dad - you do work hard on wearing him out.


  13. #208
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Jaspers mom I know how it can be My daughters Balinese cat pepsi disappered when we lived in town near a park . They had an art for kids in the park ,(about 400kids) Pepsi was gone about a month .In fact we had decided to got to the pound and get a cat in the morning. When prince (the boys cat) woke me up about 2:30 AM wanting out since he never went outside,I went to the door and in falls Pepsi feet bloody and worn and he weighted half his norm. Well as you can imagine no one got to sleep again till 6 poor hubby had to get up then for work.My daughter was 8yrs.old at the time. lots of love sleep and food after about 3 days he was thin but himself. moral of story don't give up!!!!I did feel bad cuz we we're going to get a poor old kitty that had been turned in at the pound , But 2 cats 2 dogs were enough . Happy though a freind got the old gut he was 12 years old.
    Please don't give up looking keep calling and listen closely, had a cat once locked in a neighbors garage luckly I had keys ,(was going to be gone a month). Prayers are with you. Corinna PS He'll come home with stories you'll never know.

    [This message has been edited by Corinna (edited April 18, 2001).]

  14. #209
    Hi All; Cinder here, finally gettin pack onna pawboard after a long weekend ~

    Sure is nice alla Hoomin skinpeople been sayin nice thoughts ta Jasper's Mom bout hopin the FurKat wanders back home - alla us at Phred's Ranch fer waywurd *critters* have got all our paws crossed for the eventual return of JasperKat!

    Now where's all our FurKid buddies? Wanna hear from Bella, Hannah, Star*Shine, Daisy I an Daisy II, Merlin and sum of the others. Letz hear sum storeez frum youse guys! Howz OlivePit, the new KlawKid doin? Are he an the SqweekRat getting along now? Ennie body get a new brudder or sister to join up wiffa pack? We don't wunt alla Two-Leggers to be munopalizin our conversayshuns on this here *PET*Talk Board !

    SmokeMutt and me hadda reelee neet week-end while Dad went ta see his Mom. She got kinda siklee an hadda go inta the Hoomin White Coat's lab - think it wuz called a hopsbittel - fer a few dayz ta get sum tests and eat sum good grub. Dad went an stayed in her partment which won't allow us FurKids to visit ; so's he hadda make rangements for us to be taken care of. Since we dawg-sit for "Cali", a lil Boarder Collie what lives wiff wunna Dad's firefighter buddies uppa street frum our Ranch, Unka Pat and Miz Joan said they'd look after Smoke an me while Dad wuz outta town. We wuz gonna stay inna basement an get visits frum Pat ta give us our krunchies an let us out for poddy breaks. Well ~ Unka Pat said (after Dad left) that those rangements kinda suked, so's he come'd uppa our house and loaded inta his trakter truk and hauled us both down ta Cali's house. Boots, the Kat hadda stay an guard the Ranch cuz Cali lives wiff two houseKats that problee wunt like anudder Kat movin in on toppa two extra Rowdee Dawgs , but Pat promised to come every day to give ole Boots a liddel luvin an fill up his krunch bowls. Boots isn't reel social wiff *strangers*, so I don't think he minded stayin home.

    But boy did we have phunn at Cali's house! Rompin an runnin all day wiff Cali an "B.C." (that's the Boss Kat, it's short for *Basement Kat*, which he isn't any more) an "Funny Face" (the sheKat, wiffa phunnie half-smile painted on by her black and white face fur). Cali's Mom, Miz Joan, told Dad she neber got loanlee inna house cuz ever where she went she allways had all three dawgs trailin along behint lika train. SmokeMan has visited at Cali's house before, but neber stayed overnite before. He started out tryin ta chase the Katz, but ole "BC" (who treats Dawgs just like Boots Kat duz) fixed that problem rite away wiffa 10-klaw salute ta the Smoke's tender nozebone . SmokeMan settled down reel quick-like! We hadda sleep inaa basement, but that wuzn't so bad cuz Unka Pat wakes up more erlee than Dad so's we dint have ta spend much time alone down there wiffa Katz prowlin around. Smoke wuz a liddel *snot* an whined the furst nite cuz I wuz allowed ta roam around the basement an he got leashed to the piano. And mebee cuz I wandered upstairz and gave a *slurrrp* onta Unka Pat's facebones whilst he wuz nappin onna BigBed. Mr. Pat came down an tied me up near the SmokeMutt (I wuz gonna sleep cuddled up to him eneeway), but I wuz a good gurl and accepted the tie-up wiffout a big fuss.

    Durrin the dayz we got to go outside an spend sum time onna trollys that Pat has rigged up over the grass and the driveway to get sum runnin time wiffout havin ta be *watched* so's we wunt run back up to the Home Ranch. At nite we all cirkuled round the house playin tag an chase or collectin *skritches* frum whatever Hoomim we could con inta passin sum out. Smokey even conned Miz Joan inta lettin him onna couch (not reelee allowed in that house) fer sum private lovin on her lapbones. That reelee s'prized me cuz SmokeMan looks like he's got *jungle rot* wiff all his rump fur startin ta fall out with the spring sheddin season starting up. The liddel *snot* gets all the good breaks!

    Dad dint get back till late Mundee nite cuz he hadda stop atta Shop an finish our tacksez (sumpin bout the gommerment wunt wait till mornin), so we gotta extree nite wiff Cali and the gang. Toosday mornin Dad pulled inna driveway an we both rekonized the sound of our trakter kar (it's got a noizy muffler) and got a liddel 'cited. We got ta run out an jump all over Dad ta say how happie we were to get him back!

    He's gonna go see GranMum agin Fryday, so's I hope we get ta spent next weekend wiff Cali and her pack. If Cali's Mom and Dad are gonna be home I think we can do it again, since we got a good report from this first sleep-over!

    So, FurKids; that's our latest DawgTail - let's hear sumpin from all you other NawTeeDawgs!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  15. #210
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Cody I. is way too embarassed to tell this story so Karen is reporting on the sly. The Cod-meister thinks he is sooo brave and protective but last night on his walks he went sniffin the hedges of a house on a street he's never been on before. After one good snort, his ears went back, his body stiffened and he turned to a pillar of stone. A second later, he went back to his "job" when a lil head of a bulldog popped out between the hedge!! Cody, the big galoot, jumped straight up in the air and his eyes got real big! He did a 180* turn so fast it made my head spin and trotted home as fast as his poor ole back legs could take him, turning around to make sure he wasn't being followed! Poor boy, I really tried not to laugh all the way home! Codes isn't a nawteedog but sillee-dog! He's gonna be real jealous when I tell him how good Smokers and Cind were without dad! Ole Phred's friends sound like really neat people!!!

    [This message has been edited by karen israel (edited April 18, 2001).]

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