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Thread: When you moved out...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    Everyone's advice is good. Stay away from loser boyfriends! Build a little savings to fall back on. Try to have health insurance.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    35° 3' N 106° 37' W
    I moved out when I was 18, in the fall, for college. Moved into the dorms. It was pretty scary, but not as scary as getting an apartment would have been. I just had to pay the bill once, with my financial aid, not too much budgeting involved. Then after freshman year of college me, my roomate, and two other friends (guys) got a house with four bedrooms. We all lived there together til we graduated. But I was still afraid of my budgeting skills so i paid the whole semester's rent with my financial aid check (including utilities). That way I only had to figure out food! It was tight, but I did it. I also NEVER got a credit card. By senior year, at 21-22, I was pretty good at handling my very very small amount of money. I lived at home summer after freshman year, and that was it. The other summers of college i stayed there and worked. Having a roomate (or three) was a good transition for me.
    We had 2 cats. My roomate kept them after graduation, because he was staying. It was hard to let them go, but he was the best parent at the time....
    Last edited by babolaypo65; 11-04-2003 at 12:53 PM.

    Only that which is the other gives us fully unto ourselves.
    -Sri Yogananda

    It's important to have an end to journey toward but it's the journey that matters in the end.
    -Ursula Leguin

  3. #18
    I'm sooooooooo not moving out until I get married, which won't be for quite some time. Probably after college. I don't even want to think about it. He he he

  4. #19
    I moved out of home straight after high school at 17; and worked through college.

    I wouldn't reccomend it - but I had issues at home that I wanted to get away from. (I still dread going home for the holidays - having to deal with the same rubbish that freaked me out 15 years ago!!!)

    Thanks Kay for my great sig & avatar!!!
    Kissy 1993 (?) - 13 Oct 2005. Always in my heart.
    Ally Cat's Mommy

    "It's a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done." Harriet Beecher-Stowe.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I moved out when I was 19. I was already at university. I had a small room for about 1 or 2 years and was earning my money by being a receptionist, later with jobs at the university and computer jobs (Hey I am talking about the 1970s). I did not have much money and mainly tried to save on food. But it was the same with all my friends so this was a good time

    Then I moved together with my first husband who was just finishing his studies. We shared a very small house with another couple (them downstairs and us upstairs) and had cats in the house.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I ONLY HAVE 7 MONTHS AND 1 MORE DAY TO GO!!! Then I'll be OUT!!! Wooooo hoooooo!!!! (In case you couldn't tell, I'm getting married and that will be my ticket outta town! I can't wait!! I'll be 2 weeks past my 26 birthday.)

  7. #22
    I was kicked out of the my parents house when I was 16 for not going to school on a regular basis, when I was 17 my boyfriend at the time (which is now my hubby) and I got are own apartment. At first it was rough going. We didn't have enough money for all the things we thought we would have enough money for. Between him and me we had one goal in mind which was to prove to are parents that we could make it on are own with out having to barrow money, (which we had to twice) and that we would never have to move back in with them. So far we have made one goal. When we first got the apartment, we had no pets honestly we couldn't afford one. We could hardly afford to take care of are selves let alone an animal. After about 6 months and when hubby got 2 raises at work within 6 months I got 2 birds, after having the birds we relized that hubby was alergic to them. So sadly I had to give them away. My mom's boyfriend has them now and plans on keeping them. I know they are well cared for so I'm happy about that at least. A few weeks before I gave my birds away I got Cubby. There were times that we couldn't afford things for him but we managed to get by. Now that we have all bills paid off except 3 we are in good shape. Before Corey and I got an apartment he had 8 credit cards and a huge truck payment. So all his money was going to bills. I got $10,000 from my mom for my 18th birthday which she gave to me early, I paid off all his bills except the truck, two weeks later we were on are own.

    If I had to do it all over again I would. I love living on my own. I get the privacy I want, I don't have to answer to my mom. I don't have to explain my self to her. Her and I have had such a better realationship because I moved out.

    I hope you enjoy it when you get to move out.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Washington D.C.
    To you youngins, I really recommend living on your own (truly on your own with your own place) before getting married. It's a lot of fun and a very freeing experience to not have to worry about anyone but yourself.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA
    I moved out during my second year of college. I worked throughout college as a waitress, and I shared an apartment with a friend for the first year. Then my boyfriend (now husband) moved to an apartment together.

    I can't say what's best for everyone, but looking back on my personal experience I am really glad that I lived "on my own" before I moved in with my husband. For me, at 18, this gave me the chance to prove to myself that I could succeed independently, which really helped my self-confidence.
    Oreo and Molly

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Stay away from loser boyfriends! Build a little savings to fall back on.
    To you youngins, I really recommend living on your own (truly on your own with your own place) before getting married.
    These are both great!

    I did it all the wrong way. If I had to do it over again, I would do it completely different than I did. I moved in with my boyfriend the summer of my 18th year, right after graduating from high school. I was 18 he was 26. Talk about a loser boyfriend. At first it was wonderful (of course). We were both working and life was good. Then in fall I went back to school and kept working part-time. He ended up losing his job, but still kept money coming in every now and then. We were beyond poor at one point and all I can say is Thank God for parents! Even though they didn't agree at all with what I was doing, they weren't going to let their little girl starve - whew!

    Well, to make a long story short, I eventually ended up supporting him and one day it hit me - what the h*ll am I doing with my life!?! Dumped him, got a place with a girl I worked with and spent money on what I wanted to spend money on instead of everything he wanted. Living with the girl from work didn't workout so well because of her dependence on a loser boyfriend (I could see myself all over again and she wouldn't take any advice), so I eventually moved into a place by myself. Lived on my own, dating now and then but single for the most part - for the next 10-12 years and those were some of the best years of my life! Living on your own - with no boyfriend - really teaches you a lot about yourself. This part I wouldn't have done any different, it's the first loser boyfriend I would totally redo.

    Anyway, moving out is definitely a learning experience, no matter how you do it. We all have to do it eventually, and my advice would be to stay home as long as possible. Save up as much money as you can while you're there 'cause you're definitely going to need it when the time comes to be on your own, whether you're totally on your own or with a boyfriend or hubby.

    I could go on and on about this because so many young kids do it all wrong like I did, but I guess everyone has to learn on their own. Oh and one last thing, when your parents offer advice - listen to them!!! I didn't and now wish I had. I know that's hard to do when you're young and know everything and have the world by the tail. But they have been there and know what you're going through and are really only trying to help and make it easier on you than it was for them.

    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    At 17, I moved into the dorms at college and never looked back. Spent 2 years in dorms then moved off campus with a roommate. No way I'd have lived with my parents again.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    I lived at home until I was 23 when I bought my house. I had planned on moving out when I was 18 also, but I chose to go to the local community college about 20 min from home so I just stayed at home. I had it gooooooooooood!!! No rent no car payment no college payment!!! I was/am very very very very lucky. And I have wonderfully awesome parents. I had no reason TO leave!
    I got thru college, and got my job which is where I still work. I was only part time then so I had to work another part time job also, which I did for 2 years then, I got full time. So I quit the retail job. I started at the hospital in January and bought my house in June.
    I would definately reccommend saving as much as you can, do not get a credit card, that is my downfall. If you do only get one and have them put only a couple hundred dollar balance on it. USE IT SPARINGLY. And if you can at all possible buy a car first and PAY IT OFF before you move out, that would save you another payment. I didn't have a car payment the first 2 1/2 years of living on my own. Makes a big difference
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  13. I went 3000 miles away to college and lived in dormitories. I went to school year round so I could graduate early and follow my boyfriend. Then I realized I wasn't in love. What to do? I was 20 years old so I went home to my parents. Worked at the job I had in high school (desk clerk at a resort) for two months until I found "real " job. It was November 1. My mother said I could stay with them until the first of the year if I wanted to save money. I had already rented an apartment.

    I lived alone for the next 20 years until I met the man who is my husband. I rented, I bought, I sold, I bought. Moved around alot.

    My advice....learn to feed yourself... My mother did not teach me to cook. She made me whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. To this day my ability to feed myself is extremely limited and highly dependent on carryout!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by shais_mom
    I chose to go to the local community college about 20 min from home so I just stayed at home. I had it gooooooooooood!!! No rent no car payment no college payment!!! I was/am very very very very lucky. And I have wonderfully awesome parents. I had no reason TO leave!
    That's exactly what I did!

    (I had to pay insurance though but the car I drove was handed down to me ~ it was the old family car)

    I also had to pay the phone bill for any long distance calls. No biggie.

    I was in no hurry to move out when I graduated from HS. I lived at home till I was about 24. Then I made a STUPID mistake. I let my boyfriend at the time (who lived in the dorms) convince me to get an apartment with him. Before the 1st year was up we broke up and he kicked me out.

    He then told me that if I truely wanted to keep the breakup peaceful and try to be friends, that I'd help him pay the rent since he couldn't afford it on his own. I should of told him to Pi$$ off, but like a stupid sucker, I helped him pay.

    I was living at home during this time and mom and dad were very supportive. I got to live at home rent free (I had Kia too and they weren't too sure about her at first) until I got myself back on my feet.

    It took awhile but I finally found a place that took dogs Kias size and I've been living there for a year and 5 months.

    I was really scared about living on my own, but now, it's a piece of cake! (a nice job does help)
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    My situation was a little weird compare to others! I graduated high school and stayed at home while going to college. While in college, I got married but with my husband in the army and headed to Korea a month later, I still stayed at my parents to save money and finish up my associates! So, I was 2 years out of high school, a month out of college, and married for a year before I moved out with Brian. But, even then, we moved to Texas and into military housing. That was in June of 2002. In April he left for Iraq so now I'm fully living alone for the first time. It's kind of weird for me! I love having our own place but I can't wait for him to be back here because I really thought it was better with him here to share it all with! As for pets, we got Dakota in July of 2002, Destiny in October of 2002, and Sierra in March of 2003. I love my parents and wish we lived closer to them, but it's so nice to be out of their house so that we all have our own space!

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