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Thread: My German Shepard has siezures

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Madison Alabama U.S.A.

    My German Shepard has siezures

    My room mate aquired a beutiful male German Shepard. We (The dog and I) did not get along well at first but we are making progress. When he was seven months old he had his first siezure and has had them almost everyother month since then. He is now 14 months old. Is this a breed problem common to German Shepards?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Epilepsy is in fact most common, I was told, in German Shepherds and Collies. Bring your pup to the vet - they can run tests and determine if it is Epilepsy, and there are medications that can help you and your dog lead a normal life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Epilepsy is common is purebreeds from the age of 6 mos to 5 years.
    My 4 year old greyhound was just diagnosed with epilepsy around Easter this year. She had 3-4 petit mal seizures and 2 grand mal seizures that I witnessed. Scared the you know what outta me!!! Shaianne has been on phenobarbital 1 pill a day (1/2 in am and 1/2 in pm) since Easter. They told me that if they start having them a month apart that is when we worry. Shai's grand mal seizures were 3 weeks apart. She has been doing beautifully with the medicine. It has not changed her disposition or anything.
    If she were to continue to have the seizures on the meds then we would have upped her dosage and if that didn't work then we would have to go the route of a CT or MRI to see if she had a brain tumor. I am an xray technologist and of course my first thought after her first seizure was "Its a brain tumor or epilepsy."
    I am not sure if I would go the route of a CT or MRI, a brain tumor is so devastating I wouldn't want her to live in pain b/c of me. Now don't get me wrong, she is my heart and soul but she has been my best friend and wonderful furkid, but I wouldn't want to prolong her suffering. But Thank the Good Lord I don't have to deal with that just yet b/c she is doing beautifully on the meds.
    Please keep us all posted, and we all will be thinking of you!
    But please take the puppy to the vet ASAP! I called after Shai's first seizure and they told me just to watch her and when she had the 2nd one they got me in ASAP that day to do blood work.
    Anyway, thanks for telling us about the precious pup!!!

    [This message has been edited by shais_mom (edited June 11, 2001).]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Good luck with your furbaby.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy's boyfriend Moe is a 14 year old Brittany Spaniel. He had two seizures within a month last spring, and like Shai, was put on Phenobarbitol. It works perfectly for him too and he has had no problems with it. Good luck with your GSD!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Madison Alabama U.S.A.
    Thankyou guys for your advice. We have already taken him to the vet. He told us to keep a reccord of when he has siezures. So far, every two or three weeks. My room mate wants to put him to sleep bcaause we cannot afford medication for him. We aleady spend more than 300 dollars a month on people medicine. How much is this stuff going to cost?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Oh please don't put him to sleep. Take him to a German Shepherd Rescue. They should be willing to take him and find him a home that can afford the medicine. This seems to be something that can be controlled. Please give him a chance!!


  8. #8
    Oh, I hope you don't put him to sleep. I don't know what the medication costs but, sometimes you can get it cheaper at the drug store than buying it at the vets. (you would need a Rx from the vet) Find out what kind of med the vet usually recomends and call around to get price costs. Like others have stated that this most of the time is very treatable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I agree. PLEASE do not put him to sleep. German Shep. Rescue places many fine GSD's with either age, behavioral or health issues. Please contact them if you feel you can no longer care for him. Please give him another chance! And thank you for trying to address his issues.

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 26, 2001).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    My miniature poodle had seizures and was on Phenobarb for several years. She is at the Rainbow Bridge now (died at 14) and at the time of her death in 1998 we were paying $7.00 for 100 pills. She took two a day so it was 50 days worth. When you figure it out it's not that much. Of course prices have most certainly gone up in three years. I also say PLEASE do not put him to sleep. This is a fixable/workable problem!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    If you lived closer to me I would offer to adopt him...GSD's are my dream, I have always wanted one and it's sad to hear of one who's life may be cut short due to a very treatable illness. Please, opt to put him into GSD rescue before putting him to sleep. There are plenty of people out there who love GSD's and have enough money to pay for regular meds, and are desperately searching for the perfect rescue. Perhaps your last gift of love to the dog is to put him in a home where he will be able to get the medical care he needs to live a long life. Maybe you would even foster him until the GSD rescue finds him a good home, that way you can meet the new owners?'s too bad I don't live closer to you. I would promise, with all of my heart, to give that dog the best life I could possibly give a dog.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Please don't put him down, he can find a wonderful home somewhere. People told me to put Shai down when she started the seizures, but it would break my heart.
    Phenobarb, is about $20-25 I am still using the 1st perscription the vet gave me around Easter. She takes a half a pill twice a day.
    It is well worth it to me it I don't have to witness her having a grand mal seizure again, twice was enough for me!!!
    Keep us posted!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Altoona, Pennsylvania
    I agree with what everyone on here said. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not put him to sleep!!!! If you decide you cannot afford the medicine and you you need help finding a local rescue center, I'm sure everyone on this board would be happy to help look for one for you. Let us know what you decide.

    [This message has been edited by Stenograsaurus (edited June 27, 2001).]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Madison Alabama U.S.A.
    Unfortunately it is not my decision, but I am trying my hardest to get Lynn (dog's owner) to be reasonable. She also was planning on studding him out since he is pure-bred but now can't. If these pills are as cheap as you say I will pay for them with my baby-sitting money. Charlie's medicine is more important than school books, gas, or tuition anyday. He is my buddy and I won't let him die. I wonder if it's genetic or if the breeder knew...
    -Our Lady of Housecats

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Thank you for doing all you are able to do to keep the dog alive. I hope the pills are as cheap for you also, because it would be a shame to end a life for financial reasons

    I do know that epilepsy is quite common in GSD's and yes it is genetic...tell her not to breed him! He really shoud be neutered. It's real important when there is a dog that has a genetic disorder not to have it bred. It will just add to the genetically deficient puppies out there who will end up dying young because of their illness, or being placed into a shelter due to lack of finances to keep up on their medical costs. If your roommate has the contact information from the breeder she should call them and let them know. A responsible breeder will steralize the parents to your roomates dog if he/she learns about this. Good luck and keep up the good and kind work of offering to pay for your roomates dog. That is a wonderful deed, and you will be most rewarded by the life and affection of a lovely GSD!

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