A few years ago - actually it must be around ten years ago now! - there was a section of the dog community in this country calling for the Border Collie to be split into three distinct breeds. Now, I have my own views on the Kennel Club and it was no surprise to me that they totally ignored these proposals. Many collies have shortened lives because they are sold as pets when they are from working strains, pet owners can't cope with the type of dog they buy, the dog gets increasingly stressed, frustrated and begins to "misbehave" etc, etc,

The proposals were - three breeds to be recognised, the show dog, the working dog and the pet dog. Your dog is beautiful and yet does not fit the breed standard for a show collie - hardly surprising as that was not the reason for the dog being bred.

It does not mean that you have an unhealthy or abnormal dog but a fine example of a working collie and all the more gorgeous because every line and muscle is clearly seen without a heavy coat to hide under.

Smooth coated Border Collies are just as acceptable as long coated ones in the show ring as well as anywhere else.