Can anyone recommend any chew toys or anything else that works to clean their dog's teeth?

After I brushed every day for a few months with no visible results I slacked off and I only do it now and then.

The vet recommended this gel stuff that you put on their teeth twice a week. We bought some and we use it, but I'm not sure it really does anything.

We also bought a 5 lb. bag of the Hills TD food, it's supposed to be designed to clean their teeth as they chew. The only problem, Carl doesn't chew, he just swallows them whole

Today we went went to PetsMart to see if we could find anything useful. There were a zillion different things to choose from. We bought a Dental Kong Carl seems to like

The vet recommended we get a NylaDent. She described it as a Nyla Bone that's looks like a twisted rope , but we couldn't find one.

So, what do you use?