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Thread: In the wrong place at the wrong time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.

    In the wrong place at the wrong time

    My poor little pug, Cassie gave me a huge scare today. I take her and Graham to the dog park every Sunday at around 10:00 AM and today there was the average crowd of about 20-25 dogs. After only about 20 minutes or so in the park, Cassie walked too close to a tennis ball that a VERY possessive yellow lab wanted to play with. Cassie was attacked. She's usually really tough and can handle alot of dogs tripping and stumbling over her, but today that dog must have gotten her in a very sensetive spot and Cassie began bleeding profussely from her nose and mouth. She then started choaking on her blood and she had to really work for a gasp of air. I don't think I have ever been so terriried. I thought she was going to suffocate in my arms. The owner of the dog who attacked Cassie offered to drive me to emergency and so off we went. What a rough day! Cassie is probablly going to be ok but she is confined to cage rest now so she does not start bleeding alot again. The owner also paid for Cassies bill which was $125...I am just glad she is still with me. I was so terrified

    I just wanted to share with you today's scary experience and to have everyone wish me luck with Cassie. She's in her little carrier and the pillow she has in it is soaked in blood so I am still very worried. The vet said that if the bleeding does not stop that I have to take her in and she has to be anesthetized and they have to make sure she does not have a more serious problem My poor little girl. I always thought she was the roughest, toughest little dog but she's not as tough as I thought. I just hope this experience does not traumatize her and she still enjoyes playing with the other dogs in the dog park.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Oh I am so sorry to hear about your little Cassie. I do wish both of you the best of luck. I am also glad that the parent of the other dog was responsible and payed for your vet bills. I will say a prayer for your family tonight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Oh, poor dear little Cassie. There will be lots of prayers said in our house that she will recouperate both physically and psychologically from this ordeal. My heart goes out to you as I know how awful this must have been and still is to endure. I do hope the bleeding stops on its own. Keep us informed as you are able. (We need a crying *smilie* to put here.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Little Cassie girl. Oh, I am so upset to hear that she was hurt. How horribly frightening that must have been for you to see your poor baby hurt...and by another dog is doubly tragic. I hope and pray that she will recover soon. You know we are all thinking of you and Cassie and saying extra prayers for her quick recovery. Is she home with you? I know it must be so painful to see your little girl hurt. Thankfully the owner acted responsibly. It must have been horrible for her as well. Was Cassie deliberately "attacked" or injured in the fight over the ball? I hate to think of one dog hurting another viciously. Like you say, I hope she will not become afraid of other dogs because of this. Please let us know how she is doing, OK? My thoughts are with you and Cassie this night.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    I am so sorry to hear about Cassie. That was a horrible experience for her, we will all be hoping and praying for her quick recovery.
    Please keep us posted on how she is doing.
    Give her a kiss from all of us.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Thanks everyone for the prayers. I am so worried about her. She's in a little carrier now and I let her out for about 30 seconds a few minutes ago and as soon as she walked out her nose began to drip blood again. I feel so helpless. I found out that she must have been crate trained by her last owners because she is not putting up any kind of fuss about being in that small carrier. She's my brave little munchkin. She was not at all interested in the tennis ball that she was atacked for, she may not have even seen it. She was caught totally off guard which is maybe why she was so injured. It was so nice and responsible of the owner of the yellow lab that attacked her to drive me to and pay for the emergency vet. The owner said she'll never, ever bring any tennis balls to the park again because her dog has attacked other dogs for getting near her tennis balls in the past. Other dogs have an advantage, however, because all of the other dogs in the dog park are big.

    I will keep you updated on Cassie's condition. I have to keep her in a cage for 2 days, only to come out for potty time, and I am supposed to put her on a leash so she does not walk around too much. She's going to be bummed out Hopefully she'll be better by the time I come home from work tomorrow and she can spend a bit of time out of that little cage. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

    Thanks again for the prayers and kind words. I'll keep you updated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    How awful for you and poor Cassie!
    Thank goodness the owner of the other dog took responsibility - but you have to wonder why they let the situation occur if they knew the dog was possesive of the tennis ball.
    What has the vet said is causing the bleeding?

    The fact that they have allowed Cassie home suggests that she is on the road to recovery, I hope so. Let us know how she, and you, are getting on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Concerned about the bleeding. Did the vet say that some bleeding was to be expected? I hope you will not hesitate to call the vet if you feel the bleeding is excessive. Please give precious little Cassie a big hug and kiss. I remember so well thinking how adorable she was when you posted her pics.
    Thinking of you both. Love Sandra

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wishing Cassie good thoughts for a
    speedy 100% recovery.
    Very devasting/scary to see a dog

    Tennis balls are left all over the dogs parks over here.
    I think owners who own dog dominant, posessive or aggressive dogs should NOT take them to leashless dog parks period.

    Please keep us posted on Cassie.
    I will be thinking of you both.

    [This message has been edited by KYS (edited March 18, 2001).] (can't spell)

    [This message has been edited by KYS (edited March 18, 2001).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Here's the latest update before I head off to bed. Cassie is in alot of pain. She can barely open her mouth, she bled a little bit more out of her nose when I carried her outside for her last potty before bedtime. The bleeding is going down considerablly. The vet told me that Cassie is suffering the after effects of facial trauma. She's very sore and she will be very sore tomorrow, just like when you over work muscles they always hurt the next day worse then the first day. When I offered her a little bit of water she just dipped her tongue in a couple times and appeared thirsty but her whole face seems to hurt and it hurt her to drink and swallow. The vet checked her upper palate and there did not appear to be any laserations, nor did she have any teeth missing, so the vet figured the dog that attacked Cassie must have rammed her head so hard into Cassie's face that Cassie suffered facial trauma, and since her face is smashed, and her breathing is already messed up, the extra blood and fluid in her nose and throat caused her to choke. She only has one little puncture on her face, probablly from a tooth hitting it real hard when she was head-butted with the attacker. The hardest part is that she's in such bad pain. I called the vet clinic and they said they could give her an enjection of pain killers but Cassie will probablly be less willing to stay in her cage and want to move around since the pain is gone, so I am feeling a bit like the bad guy. They told me that tomorrow if the bleeding is gone I can give her 1/2 of a baby asprin to sooth the pain. I will either give her 1/2 a baby asprin or I'll take her in to the clinic for an injection of pain killer before work tomorrow because I can't stand to see her in such pain. My poor little girl I was so terrified. It's the first time that I have ever had to rush a dog to the emergency, I sobbed the whole way there, just praying that Cassie would stop choking and continue breathing. I think she's in alot of pain but the bleeding is getting much better so I think she'll be ok. I hope and pray that she'll be ok.

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I am still so afraid and it helps to get so many kind words, it helps my saddened heart.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Oh Leslie...
    I hope Cassie will feel much better tomorrow. I know you are worried. I would be too.
    Please update us in the morning to let us know how she is.
    In the meantime, she has lots of prayers...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    This made be hard to hear, but although you are scared and worried, there is some good in the situation. The first is the dog defending/protecting/guarding her precious tennis ball did not do more damage than she did. It would have been different, and sadder if that dog had had malicious intent. Though poor Cassie is in pain, she is alive, and will get better.

    The second is that the dog's owner was good enough to drive you guys to the emergency vet. Nuff said about that.

    The best part, though, is that, despite her pain and discomfort, Cassie is home with you, where she can feel safe and secure. My family once lost a dog who was injured, but the vet said would recover, we are sure because of loneliness. She had to stay at the vet's, in a kennel by herself. She was a dog that was used to being with people most of the time, in an active household. At the vet's, she was alone. I'm sure they went in to change dressings, or give her food, but the vet's office was many miles from our house, and we couldn't be with her at night, either, after they closed the offices. She died, at the age of 5, from a herniated diaphragm (an non-life-threatening injury, we were told) - but we know that after several lonesome days and solitary nights, she gave up, and died of sadness. We never brought another animal to that vet again.

    Be glad your little pugster is home with you, and give her a kiss (on a part that doesn't hurt) for all of us.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    Poor Cassie I'll keep her in my prayers. I had to give Bandit an extra hug tonight. I can't imagine what you are going through, I hate to see my boys in any kind of pain. As said before, I glad the owners took responsibility for the attack. I know being home will help her recovery. Please give her a kiss from all of us.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Oh Leslie I am so sorry to hear what happened to Cassie today. I feel that I know her and her little personality from things you have written and it seems like a good little friend is suffering and that makes us all so sad. Please know that everyone here is praying for a complete recovery for her, both physically and emotionally. You must be so shaken and upset yourself. Please do keep us posted. Kisses and lots of love to Cassie.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Karen:
    The second is that the dog's owner was good enough to drive you guys to the emergency vet. Nuff said about that.>>>>>

    Actually that was responsible of
    the dog owner. Where I live, you enter
    Dog Parks at your own risk.
    The last time I was at a dog park,
    I got bit by some-ones dog.
    Luckly just cost me $65.00 doc. bill and
    I have 2 small scars for a souviner.

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