Well, I went to the doctors.

She thinks that I have alopecia. She explained though, although it usually makes all the hair on your body fall out and never grow back, it can only occur on some parts of your body, and sometimes the hair does grow back. In my case though, she's never seen anything where the eyelashes continuously fall out and grow back, and I got so scared when she gasped after she saw them She said that my hair falling out worries her too.

But because I lost alot of weight, she decided to check me for hyperthyroidism...grr, always back to that. She felt my thyroid and said that it feels fine...But even so...She sent me off to another lab...where....I got.....


I don't think they've ever gotten anyone as hysterical is I I burst out crying and started hyperventilating, I couldn't breathe, it was horrible. I wanted my Leather-baby so bad so I could hug her. But when it was over I started laughing lol. I was expecting the same pain I feel when I get a shot, but the lady explained that it's different, because this needle doesn't go in all the way, and it's not going into a muscle and pushing something itno your body. So it wasn't that bad, just a prick, but I was still crying heehee. I'm such a baby...

My doctor is also sending me to a special dermotologist. The office wasn't open when they called to make an appointment, so they are making one tomorrow and then calling me.

So...I'm getting checked for two things now...Alopecia....and hyperthyroidism.....

PS I got a pretty pink bandaid with hearts on it No lollipop though