Took Penny Lane to the vets this morning to get her blood retested and see if she is healthy enough to have surgery.


I just got a call from the vet - her blood tests all came back normal. Her protein levels are back to normal levels, her ammonia levels are back to normal and her blood sugar is fine. They are going to go ahead and spay her, clean her teeth up (they were pretty full of tartar) and remove her back dew claws.

They said her urine is a little cloudy - so they are going to do a couple more tests on it to see if she has any underlying medical conditions that could cause it, but with her blood work coming back better they think they can control it with medication. They are going to put her on IV fluids and a cathiter (sp?) and flush her all out.

I am soooo happy I just had to share with everyone!!! Again thanks to everyone for the support and good wishes!!! It helped a great deal.