Can anyone help us with a hairball problem? Mr. Boofuss is a 3 year old male. He's just a cat, but a cat with extremely long fur especially on his tummy, tail, and under his front legs. He's always cleaning himself, as most cats do. Unfortunately, he has some really bad hairballs. I feed him the Iams Hairball formula, and it seemed to be helping until the last couple of months. So I went to Wal-Mart and got some of that hairball stuff that comes in a tube. The cat licks it off your finger, and it's supposed to help eliminate the hairballs. But, it gave Mr. Boofuss diarrhea. Poor baby couldn't make it to his kitty box. I stopped giving it to him, but I guess it's not all out of his system yet, because every so often we have a problem. I'm sure it will clear up in time. But we still have the hairball problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anything would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Boofuss is a really good kitty. He's our constant companion, and full of playfulness. Thanks for any help.
