You all have had a lot of good ideas! Maybe the bicycle attachment would be a good idea, and I also will take him to the park on a long lead.

I won't let him run next to the car - even out in the country.

I have another idea we're going to try tonight - we're going to take him to the park and see if he'll pull us on the merry-go-round!

I also think he looks a lot like Kersey - so he probably is a German Shepherd Rottweiler mix.

My son and I took the dogs for a walk this morning. We didn't put Max on his gentle lead because the one we bought is too big for him and we want to return it. He pulled so hard on his lead that my back is sore! But he's pretty obedient. When he got too out of control I would just tell him to sit, and he sat immediately - even when he was getting ready to chase a squirrel.

He's such a sweetheart! I just love him.

He's extremely protective of his rawhide bone, though. He'll let me grab it but he really growls when he thinks Jake is too close to it. So - the rule is that Max can only play with his toys in his crate, and Jake's not allowed in the crate. Also the mudroom belongs to Jake - we feed Jake in the mudroom and feed Max in the crate, because I have a feeling Max would have food bowl issues.

What do you think?