My niece has a now five month old pitt bull/terrier mix puppy. She has had her since she was eight weeks old. She is a very sweet tempered dog and loves to give kisses and play tug with her rope. She has gone to obedience school and for her age did very well in the puppy class.

Recently new neighbors have moved into the house next door and are renting. Immediately there were problems and a lot of traffic at this house - at all hours of the night and day. So you get the picture.

Action within the neighborhood is being taken. However, what upsets me is that from the highest authority (allow me to be vague here) my niece has been advised to not keep her dog outdoors during the day or night.

Why? Pitt bull pups especially the sweet young ones are used as "bait" for the older pitts to learn how to kill - by certain groups. They feel certain her puppy will be stolen.

Happily the neighbors are rallying around my niece and offering to keep her dog during the day while my niece works. The neighbors have fallen in love with the puppy because she is so sweet. Many are bringing over bags of treats just to have a chance to see her. But the problem is that she is so sweet and trusting - she might go with anyone.

When my niece adopted her puppy from the SPCA, many people before her had applied for the adoption, but they were all turned down.
The SPCA was very careful in placing her.

I just pray she continues to be safe and can live a long life being the sweet dog she is.

Sorry, but this has upset me all day.