His toe has some how attached itself back to where it was, with a scab I guess, but it grew in crookedly, so it bends strangly? I figure it will turn black from loss of circulation and fall off...

It looks sort of bad...it is swollen to twice it's normal size and I can't really tell if it's red because of the dried blood on it. The vet wanted me to pay fifty dollars for an appointment, and that doesn't even include the meds! My mother won't lend me any money

I went to the drug store and got some Epson (sp?) salts. I soaked his foot a little, but not very much as he wouldn't hold still The hydrogen peroxide makes it bleed, and I'm not going to use rubbing alcohol because it's poisonous..

I feel so bad because this was all my fault in the first place, and I can't even afford to get him a doctor I really wish I had a job...I wish life was a little more fair...

I don't want Icarus's toe to get infected, or or him to get blood poisoning or anything. I cleaned his cage again, and I'm keeping my eye on him. I think if it gets serious, my mother will give me some money, but I don't want to wait until it's too late

What should I do? Does anyone think it will get better? I want my baby to get better I'm crying now, I feel so bad...