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Thread: Great Dane Doberman mix puppy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    Great Dane Doberman mix puppy

    can anybody give me any advice on how to handle her. she is just eight weeks old some one told me that the great dane should not eat puppy food but a doberman should any body got any info on this mix

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Do feed her puppy food! Whoever told you that did not know what they were talking about. DO feed her puppy food - she's got a lot of growing to do! Do love her, spoil her - the only caution is don't let her get in the habit of running around a lot just after she eats - deep-chested dogs can develop stomach troubles - something can twist if they run around too much just after eating.

    We had a Great Dane/ 1/4 Lab mix in my family. She was great! What's your new baby's name? Don't be tempted to teach her to jump up! Start simple obedience early and gently, and you should have a great dog!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Originally posted by Karen:
    <STRONG>Do feed her puppy food! Whoever told you that did not know what they were talking about. DO feed her puppy food - she's got a lot of growing to do! Do love her, spoil her - the only caution is don't let her get in the habit of running around a lot just after she eats - deep-chested dogs can develop stomach troubles - something can twist if they run around too much just after eating.

    We had a Great Dane/ 1/4 Lab mix in my family. She was great! What's your new baby's name? Don't be tempted to teach her to jump up! Start simple obedience early and gently, and you should have a great dog! </STRONG>
    Her name is Aries. I am feeding her purina one puppy chow. she is doing really well we have only had her a day now and she goes and lays in her cage at night. she really shocked me that she has not cryed yet and she goes buy the door when she has to go to the bathroom. should i feed her four times a day? the people i got her from were feeding her 2 times a day in the moring and at night

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    You will probably be going to your vet to have her get the necessary shots and everything checked out, and I would ask him/her then about how often to feed her. I would think at least three times. God bless her for going to the door to go out. I love the name Aries!

    And welcome to Pet Talk. You wouldn't be another flat lander would you?

    [ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Originally posted by RachelJ:
    <STRONG>You will probably be going to your vet to have her get the necessary shots and everything checked out, and I would ask him/her then about how often to feed her. I would think at least three times. God bless her for going to the door to go out. I love the name Aries!

    And welcome to Pet Talk. You wouldn't be another flat lander would you?

    [ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]</STRONG>
    i am from McHenry IL if that is what you mean buy flat lander. i cant stay away from her i when home on lunch to see her and play with her my soon to be wife was laughing at me that i was paying more attention to aries then to her

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Congratulations on your new puppy! Sounds like you have the "puppy love" thing going strong!

    My vet advised me to keep food out for my puppies in their early months of life. We eventually went to a once per day feeding. But your puppy will need that nutrition initially. Let your vet guide you. You will get good advice there.

    Good luck!! And post pictures soon!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Logan, I see a disadvantage to "at will" feeding when trying to housebreak a puppy in that they generally have to poopie after they eat. It seems like Aries dad does not work from home, hence that may be something to take into consideration.

    Aries' Dad, yes, living in Illinois constitutes being a flat lander and tell your soon to be wife what a lucky lady she is latching on to a dog lover such as yourself. I hope you decide to stay with Pet Talk because you sound as though you will fit right in, but we will understand if you are occupied enjoying your puppy. Congratulations on the new addition to your life!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Everyone's situation is different, Rachel. And I should have stated that in my message. It was never a problem for us, but my puppies were outside all day, except in bad weather. That makes a HUGE difference. But even the nighttime wasn't bad, and I kept food down 24 hours a day and did not crate either puppy.

    Whatever you do, Aries, good luck!! I'm sure you'll get good advice from your vet.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    does anybody need a new alarm clock? because Aries wakes me at 3:30A.M. to go outside and then to play. Logan and Rachel i am taking her to the vet today and i have tons of Q to ask her. right now i am feeding her three times a day A.M. noon and P.M. yesterday Aires met some my parents(nikkie) dog a alaskin husky mixed with red wolf. nikkie wanted to play with aries but she was to fustrated with meeting some of the other dogs on the block. thanks for all of your help i like it here already!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Aries, your pup could be getting hungry about that time, I fed my Merlin as a pup Once in the AM as I got ready for work (about6) then at about 2 then again a small snack as we ate dinner about 6 pm then another small portion about 9 pm and always about 20 mintues after eating I took him out and told him to do his business, and waited til he did then lots of hugs. My neighbors thought I was nuts but only one accident ever and hes 4 years old now. they all have put their dogs out side in kennels. Sad just alittle love and they could have a nice in door compainon. Hope this helps and remember they only eats lots as pups after about 2 years watch that they don't over eat. too much weight is very hard on those large joints.
    My newfie (gone now) lived til age 12 becouse I kept him active and lean,my vet was always pleased with his health.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Because she is still a baby and physically immature, 3:30 am is probably as long as she can "hold it". But I think you will find that will change very rapidly and in a week or two she will be sleeping through the night. Personally, I would be very thankful for the dog that "asks to go out". In the long run, the amount frustration that you are avoiding with this type of dog is considerable.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    oh dont get me wrong i am so happy that she wakes me up so she can go outside. i beats cleaning up after her. i much rather her wake me up every night to let her go outside
    i just think that it is amazing that for a dog who was kept outside that it will not just go anywhere it wants to in the house she already has her spot picked out for number one and number two. we were at the house next door and she drug me to back to our yard so she could go do you think that this will be a problem later in life when he have out with us at a park or in the car?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I just wanted to say that a Great Dane/Doberman mix has always been my dream breed you could say. She must be so cute. does she have the doberman markings? Good luck. Shes going to be a big one

    Felice, Zeus, Hercules

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    right now the only doby marks she has is the small eyes. she is black in color with white on the bottem of her paws and a with streak running down her chest

    i will post a pic soon i am going to go and try to buy a digital camra to take her pic

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Originally posted by ARIES:
    <STRONG>..she already has her spot picked out for number one and number two. we were at the house next door and she drug me to back to our yard so she could go do you think that this will be a problem later in life when he have out with us at a park or in the car?</STRONG>
    Bless her heart. I think she may be one of those "dogs of a lifetime". I am really going to enjoy hearing more about this one. As far as this being "a problem", there is a small chance. Try instructing her to "go potty" or "do your business" or what ever phrase you want to use when you know that she needs to go. When she goes, praise her enthusiastically. What you are doing will actually be teaching her to "go on command."
    This will be helpful should she turn out to be one of those dogs who seems only to feel comfortable going in a special place. I even have two different phrases for Number one and Number two. Keep using the command on a fairly regular basis, even though you know she is going to go without it. She'll enjoy the praise and she really understand the association.

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