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Thread: *sigh* I'm back, and he's gone.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    New Orleans, LA USA

    *sigh* I'm back, and he's gone.

    I've been in Baton Rouge these past few days spending time with Joey at his unit before he had to leave. How do you say good bye to someone that you know you won't see for at least a year? How do you say goodbye to the one person that has been such an integral part of you life for the last 6 years?!

    This is so much harder than when he went off to boot camp. We mean so much more to each other and at least then I knew I'd see him in 3 months. Hell, we were suppossed to be officially engaged after Mardi Gras. We were so close to doing the JOP wedding. But, we decided against it and to wait to do it right.

    I'm just so depressed. I miss him so much and he's only been gone a day. Every one keeps asking How are you? I hate that question. How do you think I'm doing? The one person in the world that I know truly loves me and the only person I've ever let myself really depend on is away from me. Which seems selfish when I say it. I can only imagine what he's going through...makes what I feel almost seem petty.

    He's in Cali right now, but for only a short time before he's sent over seas. I wrote to him tonight as I told him I would do every night he's away. I wrote him about how much I love, support, and miss him and how proud I am of him. Those are the things he needs to hear, not how depressed I am.

    *sigh* I know I'll be ok. I just hope he's ok. Anyway, just wanted to tell someone how I feel. Not many people want to listen, too depressing, ya know.

    Anywhoo, please keep USMC 3rd battalion, 23rd Marines in your thoughts. They're a great group of men.

    Tiff and the ever expanding krewe
    Scout, Gigi, & Bixby -the kitties
    Rory, Lola, Jax, Max, & Lulu -the ferrets

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Melbourne, Australia
    Tiff, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I didn't realise that Joey would be gone for a whole year.

    You're not being selfish; he's the love of your life, no wonder you're feeling down. Don't withhold your feelings from Joey, he's no doubt feeling the same as you and you can help each other work through the loneliness, fear and depression that you'll both be going through.

    Thanks for coming back to PT. Hopefully we can all be there for you
    Nicole, Mini, Jasmine, Pickles, Tabasco, Schnaggles and Buffy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Tiff, I'm so sorry that Joey has to go away for a whole year. I'm sure he'll be okay and just remember that you'll have emotional support from all of us Pet Talkers. My thoughts and prayers are with Joey and the USMC 3rd battalion 23rd Marines. {{{HUGS}}}

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden
    I'm sorry. I understand how terrible this is for you... I'll keep my thumbs crossed that this war never happens so he, and everyone else, can safely go home to their loved ones *hugs*

    Please sign my guestbook if you have the time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    West Milford, NJ
    I'm so sorry. I too did not know that he would be gone for a year. Prayers, hugs, and love sent your way from all of us here.
    I love my furkid Neko!

    ^TAMA^ 8/24/00 - 4/27/12 Thank you for being in my life I love you always and forever

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I PM'd you before I saw this thread, so to avoid repeating myself here are a few {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA

    Oh wow, a year?

    I can't believe that. This must be awfully hard for you to deal with. I don't know how I would handle something like that, I can't imagne how you are feeling.
    We are here anytime you want to talk.
    They will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hugs and prayers. I think we all hope this war won't happen, and that everyone gets to come back safely, Joey included. As someone who has had a family member in the service for every war but Vietnam (between generations for that one, Dad was out by then, and we kids were too young) I understand how worried and proud and worried and sad and the whole mix of emotions going through you right now. My little brother's Army Reserve Unit was activated in January, so he's away from his family, including his 18-month-old daughter, but at least he gets to stay stateside as far as we know.

    Our country depends on willing and strong people like Joey, and we love them all, and you, too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Oh, Tiff,
    I am so sorry. I didn't realize he would be gone so long. But, every day you are without him brings him one day closer to home!!! I will keep him, and you, in my prayers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I know what you mean Chinadoll! Although Brian and I have not parted yet for him to go overseas, it's coming soon. I think that's one thing that makes it so hard is that we have no clue when they are coming back. Brian has reassured me many times though, that he is coming back! From what people are saying here, it could be 6 months, it could be a year. However, if war does break out, it could be much, much longer before they get to come back home. So many people around here have told me to just plan for the worst and hope for the best. That way, you are ready for anything and you get to be extra excited if things do go the way that you want them to. It's so hard to do, but we gotta hold on some how.

    For me, the hardest thing to do on Friday night was stand at our fence and listen to our neighbor. Her husband has left to go overseas in the last couple of weeks. She told us that she heard from him the night before by a short 5-minute telephone call that he was aloud. She said it was so hard, especially after putting their 3 to 4 year old child on the phone to talk to his daddy for a minute. Thier little boy just wanted to pack up and go with his daddy. Our neighbor told us that she has decided that she will no longer cry infront of the son while his daddy's gone, but every night when she puts him to bed and he asks for his dad, she ends up crying as soon as he's asleep.

    Being as close to these people as we are, it's so hard to hear these things. To me, I've got enough emotions going through me with it just being me and the 3 dogs. It's just so hard for all of us that are being put in this situation as our family members head overseas. Each of us have to handle things in are own way and each of our cases our a little bit different, but we're all in this together. We will make it through, you just gotta believe in your loved one, believe in yourself, and believe in your relationship.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    Just keep in mind how lucky you both are to have each other and to love each other so much. It doesn't happen everyday!
    Hang in there! I am sure, you'll be ok. Both.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Just keep in mind how lucky you both are to have each other and to love each other so much. It doesn't happen everyday!
    Very, very true!!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    This is the beauty of Pet Talk! Not only do we share everything about our pets - we share the moments in our lives that are so very difficult.

    All of us are here for you and it doesn't matter that it is depressing - it is a harsh reality right now.

    You can count on my prayers that Joey will be safe and that soon you can sit down and make plans for your wedding in a peaceful world!

    I am really glad that you shared and I hope you will continue to share with us any news that you have of Joey. God be with you

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    New Orleans, LA USA
    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and for listening. Joey has always been my sounding board and he so does not need any more burdens right now. I went back to my *normal* routine today of work and school. Getting up this morning and going through the motions felt anything but normal, just felt so wrong.

    Tiff and the ever expanding krewe
    Scout, Gigi, & Bixby -the kitties
    Rory, Lola, Jax, Max, & Lulu -the ferrets

  15. #15
    I wish you all the best , Chinadoll , and lots of courage !!

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