heyhey im new to the website but i would like to share a story about my rescued duchound (sp) well it was when i was about 6 7 or 8 (im 14 now) when my dog died and i was horified my mom said that we would never get another one ccause we had already had quite a few dogs anyway one day i walked into the house,when i looke don the table and there was a leash i asked my mom but she just kept walking so i went to my grandmothers room and there under the blanket was a litle puppy duchound as cute as could be he was only as big as my hand maybe bigger but we realized he was very skidish around men and wouldnt let us touch him on the sides well see we called the person who rescued him and asked what had happened well it turned out a couple who had owned him left him out in the big freezed (mississippi ) had back back before we got him well they left him out side in a cat carrier with no blanket and everytime he barked that would kick him on the ribs this is why he didnt like us to touch him i could not stand what those people had done i couldnt understand how someone could be sooo cruel how someone could care less about the animal that in that case prolly new more than they did well i just thought i would share my stroy and let everyone know that animals can find good himes even if it takes a while my dog is aliv eand well going on 49 pounds lol but i hope this menas somethin to everyone out there ttyl aim sn SeKreTz07