Yeah, well......what can I say? We had a major presentation yesterday out at our rabbit sanctuary...trying to interest an investor (and I think we may have a great outcome) to try and keep the sanctuary from closing down. We have been watching a little guy, Maple a very small English lop bunny, for a week or two who had been acting a little sick and depressed and just wasn't looking "right". So after the presentation the manager asked me if I would take him home for a while and watch him, monitor what he eats, if he's litter trained, etc........... Supposedly he will be "returned" to the sanctuary after an evaluation period....heh-heh-heh!!!!

So Maple has came home with could I say no to that sad little face?!! ( LOL!---they REALLY have my number). I tried putting him in his own separate area, where Casey had lived, on the second floor but Daisy (yes, he is a BOY) sorta went a little crazy on me....I forgot that the second floor belongs to HIM, not me! Too, Casey was a female so of course Daisy didn't mind her, but another boy....Whew! Won't make that mistake again! At any rate, I moved Maple down to the first floor this morning.

He is a wonderful bunny. Very lonely I think. The unusual thing about Maple is that right now at least he LOVES to be held....and not just for a very short time as is usual with most buns. He stayed in my lap for 40 minutes, eyes closed, every once in a while would "chatter" his teeth (that's a very good sign). However he is a boy and with Daisy, Robbie and Noah all being extremely territorial I'm not sure how this is going to work out. I can be stubborn too so we will see if eventually I can bond him into one of the other two groups.

If anyone has tried bonding male buns I'd appreciate any advice you might have! I do have info from the HRS literature but I'm aware that bonding males is the hardest to accomplish and maybe someone out there has a trick or two I haven't heard about! Thanks.